“Do they not plainly inform us, that, because we are females, we ought therefore to be deprived of what is perhaps the most effectual means of acquiring a just, natural and graceful delivery? No one will pretend to deny, that we should be taught to read in the best manner. And if to read, why not to speak?” (Doc J). However, later in history women will be known as the backbone of several prominent wars. During WWI (1914-1918), large numbers of women were recruited into jobs vacated by men who had gone to fight in the war. The women were the ones producing war supplies and materials to help the war effort. Without the women taking over the roles of the men, it is safe to say that America would have suffered greatly during WWI. The wars fought on the battlefield are what most Americans recall in history, but it is what occurred behind the scenes that helped shape this nation into the powerful nation it is
“Do they not plainly inform us, that, because we are females, we ought therefore to be deprived of what is perhaps the most effectual means of acquiring a just, natural and graceful delivery? No one will pretend to deny, that we should be taught to read in the best manner. And if to read, why not to speak?” (Doc J). However, later in history women will be known as the backbone of several prominent wars. During WWI (1914-1918), large numbers of women were recruited into jobs vacated by men who had gone to fight in the war. The women were the ones producing war supplies and materials to help the war effort. Without the women taking over the roles of the men, it is safe to say that America would have suffered greatly during WWI. The wars fought on the battlefield are what most Americans recall in history, but it is what occurred behind the scenes that helped shape this nation into the powerful nation it is