The Beatles consisted of four very talented musicians, including Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, and the band’s founder, John Lennon. Lennon is the original Beatle, but when he formed his first church band that would later be known as the Beatles, they called themselves The Quarrymen. John and Paul were the only two …show more content…
Right away The Beatles were a huge hit. Immediately they acquired large crowds and unforgettable performances. They had no idea why women cried at their concerts, or why so many people liked them. There was one thing for sure, they weren’t there for the fortune and fame, they were strictly there to create and play the inspirational music that they enjoyed playing. What started with a bang, also left with a bang. The band broke up in 1970, leaving three of the four Beatle on their own to create singles. Two of the four Beatle are still alive and making music today. Ringo and Paul do not coordinate in music anymore, but Paul has made many new and modern songs with other popular artists, such as Kanye West and Rihanna. The fame and influence of The Beatles will never die out, even through the changing music styles of today.
A strong 10 years of on and off musicianship created one of the most influential and widely know classic rock bands known to man. With a lead in the British Invasion, and countless records and tracks, The Beatles have surely made an impact on several generations, as they continue to today. They are becoming lesser known, but not lesser appreciated by the people who experienced such a