There were numerous causes to the black plague; one of the main ones is bacteria. The scientific name for the bacteria that caused the black plagues is Yersinia perstis (Dobson 10). This bacterium was once harmless but then evolved into one of the most dangerous bacteria’s the world has ever seen (“Researchers” 06a). The way the Bactria was transferred was by blood if one person had the black plague and someone else touched some of their blood or spit they could also contract the disease …show more content…
The reason the black plague was so successful at infecting millions was because the trade ships would go from place to place and at each place they stopped they would not only trade goods with them but also give them the plague. During war people would use the dead bodies as a weapon, they would launch the dead infected bodies into city’s hoping that the people in the city would contract the disease
Once the disease was spread many of the people deal with the symptoms of the plague. Here are a few of the symptoms, the most prominent symptom of the bubonic plague was large painful lymph nodes name buboes, these buboes would be the size of baseballs and they would appear where a flea or other animal bit you (Plague 1). Some of the other less common symptoms includes hallucination (Dobson 12), body covered with black tokens (Dobson 10), and having a really high fever (plague