During the 19th century and the first part of the 20th century, A scientific educational movement was established in UK calling to reveals secrets of human life, secrets of universe and basically was calling to prove the existing of the Soul. This movement was called "Spiritualism." Among its members was H.P.Blativisky and C.W.Leadbeater.
Spiritualism movement at that time proved that there is uncountable number of inhabitants in this world who are living together with human beings and the material world in its self is the lowest exist together with many realms. Those who followed Spiritualism used many freaky tools to confirm people and convince them of the exist of soul and life after like Ouija Board and Automatic Writing. Few years later, Aliester Crowly and Albert Einstein each in his own field tried to merge more than one dimension together. It was just like putting tomato and cucumber in the same place at the same time while expecting good results! Aliester Crowly merged two …show more content…
To their astonishment, the weight of the body after death was lesser than it was before death with 0.00018 gram which proves that there is something that has left the body immediately after death.
The Book of The Dead is a real book that was written by a Yamani man called Abdullah Alhazrad. The book talks originally about those who live after they die, how they interact in our life and how to let them or let their world involve in our world. The most extremity of this book is how to make a connection with The Dead, how to open a port, a channel or a portrait between both worlds. Alhazrad lived his last days in Damascus, city of Harasta and was killed in the midday by demons and his body was vanished a way.
All information, invocations and ceremonial rituals in this novel are