Lizette Martinez
Kaplan University
SS310 Sec.25 Exploring the 1960s: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Ion Motkin
August 16, 2011
The Cold War Era The cold war era was a depression period of time for the American families. The Soviets sent the first satellite, sputnik, into space in 1957 using soviet superiority in the space as a crude threat against the American people due to lack of understanding and constant provoking between the democrats and the communist (David, 1994). The historical and political conditions of the cold war era were that the American Truman Doctrine of Containment was meant to keep a lid on soviet military adventurism spank a third world war and a nuclear exchange. On the other hand, the United …show more content…
When it comes into making preparations to protect my family I’ll make sure we have gas masks, food, flashlights, batteries, first-aid kit, bottled water and even leaving the area before the attempt of any destruction into a safer environment with shelter to hide.
In conclusion, The United States and Soviet Union wanted two economic reasons; the United States wanted free trade through-out the world while the Soviet Union wanted their own surface for international commerce there specific threats were nuclear confrontations. Americas global mission in maintaining it and furthering it was destroyed by the error and misunderstanding by the actions of the Soviet Union; the cold war era the possibility the quest for national independence John F. Kennedy offered the Americans people more than nuclear threats and militarization but provided the Americans with a vision of engage in the world when it came to creating a decent society at home and on board (David,