Christopher is not treated very nicely throughout this novel. One example happens in the --- chapter, when Christopher discovers that the neighbor's dog had been murdered and when the police officer shows us and assumes it was Christopher who murdered the dog he manhandles Christopher and calls him names such as ------. On page --- when Christopher runs away from home and …show more content…
It seems as though his parents, particularly his mom, can’t handle the fact that they have a child with autism and after Christopher's mom leaves their family because she can’t deal with Christopher, his dad becomes mildly abusive towards Christopher. Ed often loses his temper and yells at Christopher and once he even hits Christopher. Christopher tells the story of how he went grocery shopping with his mom once where he had a breakdown and Judy was so upset and embarrassed she yelled at Christopher and said she would never take him out again. This proves that we live in a world where people care so much about what other people think, they lose sight of what is important, in this case whatever had set off Christopher. I think it is very disheartening to read a story where a parent abandons her son and husband to go live with another man so she can live normal life, instead of caring for her only son. Christopher shows us the selfishness of today’s society through telling the story of his parents and their behaviour towards