Romeo and Juliet tells the story of forbidden love between two children of feuding families, whose long standing grudge and violent fighting divide the Verona Beach during 1996-1595. By Declan Reibel
Romeo and Juliet is a story that has been portrayed in many ways by many people in many styles. The most recent and modern adaptation is the version by Baz Luhrmann, made in 1996. It follows the original of Shakespeare’s 1595 play, but the modern take is designed to appeal to the teenage audience.
The 1996 movie version by Baz Luhrmann, is a much more relevant version for teenagers, in comparison to Shakespeare 1595 play.
The movie was easier to interpret because the use of camera angles, props, lighting, music soundtrack …show more content…
The death of Mercutio is an important part of the story.
When Romeo asked if Mercutio is ok, he replies “No, ‘tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church-door, but ‘tis enough, ‘twill serve: ask for me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man.” This gives the impression that Mercutio knows he is about to die, and this is shown in the change of tone and background of the movie.
The fun party scene of earlier is now windy, chaotic and stormy with the lighting becoming dangerous because of the storm building above them.
The music is depressing and emotional to suit the mood of the actors.
The final shot of this scene disappears and focus right on the stage on the beach, and finishes to just one spot light at the top of the stage, to show recognition to Shakespeare’s incredible work in the original play.
The scene of the death of Mercutio is dark and dangerous.
The difference between the two families, and battling groups is shown best through the use of costume. One family is dressed all in bright casual party clothes, the other in dark leathers and slicked hair. This is a good way of showing a distinct difference between