Divided by different episodes, it tells a trilling tale of adventure of “meeting of friends, a forest journey, the flouting of a fickle goddess, the death of the companion and the search for ancestral wisdom and immortality” (Sandars 22). It’s similar to other ancient tales, like Odyssey, it very different all the same. In tales such as Odyssey the main character is always the hero and could do no wrong. In The Epic of Gilgamesh is instead portrays the main character in a different light, making Gilgamesh a dark character and doing that teaches the most important lesson, human nature. Though gifted, being half god and half man, the leader of his people who “knew the countries of the world” (Sandars 61) was very cruel and arrogant. Upon meeting Enkidu, who is “innocent of mankind: he knew nothing of the cultivated land” becomes Gilgamesh’s equal and it’s his death that shows him how to value life. That it’s never too late to change, or impossible and anybody can be
Divided by different episodes, it tells a trilling tale of adventure of “meeting of friends, a forest journey, the flouting of a fickle goddess, the death of the companion and the search for ancestral wisdom and immortality” (Sandars 22). It’s similar to other ancient tales, like Odyssey, it very different all the same. In tales such as Odyssey the main character is always the hero and could do no wrong. In The Epic of Gilgamesh is instead portrays the main character in a different light, making Gilgamesh a dark character and doing that teaches the most important lesson, human nature. Though gifted, being half god and half man, the leader of his people who “knew the countries of the world” (Sandars 61) was very cruel and arrogant. Upon meeting Enkidu, who is “innocent of mankind: he knew nothing of the cultivated land” becomes Gilgamesh’s equal and it’s his death that shows him how to value life. That it’s never too late to change, or impossible and anybody can be