Earning a college degree can open many doors for an individual who’s looking for a career. Studies have shown that college graduates are more likely to receive greater employer with benefits then employees without a college degree. 58% of college graduates and people with some college or associate's degrees reported being "very satisfied" with their jobs compared to 50% of high school graduates and 40% of people without a high school diploma (Education Pays). College graduates are normally more satisfied with their careers than individuals with a high school diploma, and since most people spend their whole life working job satisfactory can be a big factor in overall life
Earning a college degree can open many doors for an individual who’s looking for a career. Studies have shown that college graduates are more likely to receive greater employer with benefits then employees without a college degree. 58% of college graduates and people with some college or associate's degrees reported being "very satisfied" with their jobs compared to 50% of high school graduates and 40% of people without a high school diploma (Education Pays). College graduates are normally more satisfied with their careers than individuals with a high school diploma, and since most people spend their whole life working job satisfactory can be a big factor in overall life