The first reason the welfare system is failing is because people will buy drugs with the money they receive from it. Some people that has used the welfare system in the past few years has bought drugs and it is ruining our economy. Drugs are the highest rated problem in the U.S. and the people that buy them from the welfare system help makes that problem worse. The welfare system does not check to see if anyone is buying or taking drugs and does not help make the problem better. The welfare system can make the problem better by making better rehabilitation clinics in known high drug areas to try to lower the rates of drug usage. The welfare …show more content…
The government controls the welfare system and they get most of the funds from it instead of the people. If the government cares for the people of the United States then they would give the people control of the welfare system. If the people had control of the welfare system the they would get the most out of it. The government wants to keep control of the welfare system so they can still control what we receive from them. The government does not try to take people out of poverty when they use the welfare system. They would give people money without working for it and will keep getting people trapped in a endless cycle of poverty. The government gives food stamps for people so they don’t need to pay for the food they get and eat. With the government giving people food stamps it can keep people in a endless cycle of poverty that can last for months or even