The Yellow Wallpapers is a short story that was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1892. The story is about a married couple who settle in a big, mysterious house. They moved in the house for the reason that wife, who is a protagonist, had mental disorders and her husband who was a doctor decided she needed a place where she will be alone. Room that they chose as a bedroom had yellow wallpapers, that had a big impact on the wife. She, in fact, did not like them; however, as story goes, her attitude towards wallpapers is changing. At the end, the reader is left with a lot unanswered questions. The narration of the story with its symbolism that one could find in yellow wallpapers, is structured in a very interesting and dynamic way that makes us imbued with the protagonist's fate along with the time when Feminism was rising.
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That was time when the feminism was rising. Also Charlotte’s Perkins Gilman was an active feminist and someone could say that “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a semi-biographical story because Charlotte went through the same stage in life, as protagonist in the story, after she divorced her husband. Following the story it is clear how her husband holds control over his wife. He decides everything for her and he doesn’t take any of her thoughts or ideas seriously. He doesn’t take her seriously. Author’s feminism views are also seen through protagonists wish to reveal her thoughts despite society being the major obstacle to achieving that, “I did write for a while in spite of them.” Protagonist feels so lonely and disconsolate and the only way to avoid that is to write and express her thoughts on the paper because no one else would want to understand her needs. However, she knows that she can’t go against the society and for that reason she knows she has to stay and accept her husband’s care: “he takes all care from me, and so I feel basely ungrateful not to value it