Notably, living a life with a spirit of rebellion in one’s heart and the wind at their back is a very thrilling experience. Before McCandless’s adventure, he talks about how he doesn’t want to receive gifts from anybody. “I’m going to have to be real careful not to accept any gifts from them in the future because they will think they have bought my respect.” (21). McCandless doesn’t want to be chained down by his parents because they think he owes them something. Everyone could take a page out of McCandless’s book of freedom and maybe learn a thing or two. …show more content…
“--so he had plenty of downtime on the job, just sitting on his butt inside his rig, daydreaming,...” (85). McCandless would regularly just zone out even when he had important things to attend to, such as working the job he’s paid to do. With the intention of doing as he pleased, McCandless did far more than what one might think based on an objective perspective. Henceforth, to one that may choose to just do nothing, know that there is much to be gained in doing