The film Romeo and Juliet, directed by Baz Luhrmann in 1996, is a romantic tragedy that tells the story of two young lovers who commit suicide. Their deaths that conclude Baz Luhrmann’s film were a result of the terrible feud running between their two families. Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, has a major role in the events that lead to their deaths, and was made a disliked character through many different techniques. The techniques I will be describing are costume, camera shots and angles and using a motif.
Costume is an influential technique used to subtly manipulate the audience’s feelings towards Tybalt to be distasteful and loathing. This is important because Tybalt is the ‘bad guy’ in the movie, and making him disliked is a way of emphasising this. An example of when costume is used to make Tybalt disliked is at the ball scene, when he is dressed as a cold- hearted devil. He was wearing red devil horns, a red sequinned waistcoat with a white shirt underneath and black trousers. By dressing him as a devil, Baz Luhrmann is portraying him as a nasty character full of hatred. This is a way of foreshadowing; telling the audience that he will prove an issue to Romeo and Juliet’s plan and do everything in his power to sabotage it. The costumes at the ball scene are like a fairytale: there is an angel, Juliet, a knight in shining armour, Romeo and a devil, Tybalt. This is relevant to our society because the costumes represent the roles of the characters in the story. Another technique used to make Tybalt a disliked character is constantly referring him back to cats. The importance of this is the audience receiving an indirect message that Tybalt’s personality resembles that of a cats. For example, he is respected for his agility and swiftness with the sword, but cats are considered sly and willing to brandish their claws without hesitation, just as Tybalt is willing to brandish his