These people think that women do not deserve to get the same pay, because men do not need to take as much time off as women, therefore the pay is fair enough for both as it is. Others also opine that the pay needs to remain as it is now, because it is not fair for men who work in more dangerous and physically demanding jobs than other women, and get the same pay. But women sometimes work in hazardous jobs as well that required physical strength like nursing, in which women get exposed to different diseases and infections, and they are constantly lifting patients. The reality is that there are more beneficial reasons for equal pay than ones that oppose it.
The unequal pay gap has been improving for many years back, but until this day the gap comes to be at about 23 cents. For every 77-78 cents that women earn, men earn a dollar. Women need to get equally paid because when they retire, their pensions are going to be affected by the pay gap, since they did not earn much, they cannot save much. Women need to provide for their families, many of which are single mothers or for any other reason they are the main and only source of income. If they do not earn enough, they cannot financially support