A close friend of mine decided to stay in town and attend college at National Park College. On the first day, after classes I met up with him to see how his day was going. In his eyes I could see an overwhelming amount of anxiety. He proceeded to tell me that coming to school was too much and he couldn’t handle it. He even went as far as to say he wanted to drop out. It was only the first day of school and he already felt defeated! He told me “I feel as if I have no control. When I was in high school I had control because I knew people.” After talking to my counselor about it, I realized that it wasn’t him losing control, instead he had all the control and responsibility in college. I …show more content…
When my car needed an oil change I told my dad I couldn’t do it because I didn’t know how or where to go. I even went as far as to say “but I’m a girl”. My dad couldn’t take my car because he needed to work. So rather than sit on it and not do it I found out what company my dad used and drove out there myself. I explained to the people that I was a new driver and not really aware of how vehicles worked. They were so helpful and accommodating. I realized I didn’t need my dad or my mom to feel confident in taking on difficult experiences in adulthood. However, having my parents to go to is a good source of information to