Many companies have launched their products or services online as a new business focus, but only a few of them have survived the competition and made profits. The most important key to an online business’s success is to create “brand value” for the customers. Although the concept of online brand has been discussed in previous studies, there is no empirical study on the measurement of online branding.
A brand differentiates a product or service from others. It could be a symbolic embodiment of the information connected to the product or service that creates recognition or association with customers in either a psychological or perceptive way. A company can benefit from its brand as long as the brand creates additional values for the customers. Brand image and brand personality bring extra benefits, such as trust, reliability, and sophistication. Perceptions of a brand are reflected by the brand associations in consumers’ memory.
„In an electronic shopping environment where physical interaction with the customers is reduced and product quality and features can only be communicated over wires, online branding becomes increasingly important.” (Rowley J. Online branding. Online Information Review 2004; 28:131–8).
Some researchers claim that the Internet makes the importance of brand greater than ever.Customers tend to choose the product or service of the brands they are familiar with, rather than that of unknown providers because the familiar brands represent a set of values or attributes, which are meaningful, clear, and trusted.As the number of online companies multiplies, only the organizations that have built online brands can enjoy stronger customer–company relationships.
Business models in electronic marketplace are very different from traditional ones. An Internet company not only can strengthen a particular image to differentiate itself from others but also can form partnerships with
References: Colin Bates-„What is Brand?”Retrieved from: Laura Bassett-„Marketing and service is a happy mariage” Retrieved from: Rowley J.- „Online branding.”