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Is Iago a master manipulator or just an opportunist?
Iago, the Machiavellian of Othello is without doubt a master manipulator. Iago improves his reputation; destroys Othello; robs Roderigo and all without raising a finger. In fact, Othello insinuates with our beloved antagonist doing what he does best. We are presented with a spiteful Iago promising to destroy the moor “I follow him to serve my turn upon him.” And in act 3 scene 3, Othello does just that. In an adaptation of Othello, Director Nicolas Hytner presents a distraught Othello kneeling before Iago who’s looking down upon Othello, and as Othello begins to rise, Iago beckons him back down in which they both proclaim “I am bound to thee for ever.” Shakespeare chose of language “bound to thee” has strong connotations of slavery. “Bound to thee” depicting Iago’s very notion of Othello serving him. Iago’s ingenious manipulation cannot be doubted in the least, infact; his manipulation is constantly reiterated and praised. Can we doubt that Iago leaves anything to chance? Some argue yes. However, this is on the bases of Amelia’s possessing the dropped handkerchief. I prithee those who believe it was mere opportunity. Let us review how Amelia possessed the handkerchief; Iago was the individual who constantly pleaded his wife obtain possession of the handkerchief, which was only dropped because Othello’s head was hurting due to the poison of Iago. Iago constant presence in others unfortunate fall from grace is overlooked, depicting his true manipulation skill
The nefarious nature of Iago may hinder the audience to acknowledge Iago as a master manipulator. This is based on appearance imagery reality, something that is evident in Act 2 scene 3. The audience is constantly aware of Iago’s plans, which is why he may not appear as a master manipulator. However analysing the characters behaviour towards him we can truly admire Iago plot. “Iago hath direction what to do” this double entendre delivers an ambiguous meaning as the audience almost mock this ironic statement. They are fully aware that Iago knows what to do. Meanwhile, this highlights the true tragedy of the play, as Cassio is unaware of the true nature of Iago. Finally to conclude why I believe Iago is a master manipulator is simply on his interaction skills with the other characters. We first witness Iago’s manipulation skills during his discourse with Roderigo. Iago uses the skill of repetition to reinsure and manipulate Roderigo out of his money. The use of “put thy money in thy purse” denotes duel reasons, one reason simply being to pay Iago in wooing Desdemona. The other reason is for Roderigo to keep his trust in Iago and bet on his succession, both result in Roderigo being scammed. This isn’t the only evidence of Iago’s manipulation in discourse. His conversation with Othello in which he utilises repetitions and interrogatives is nothing short of brilliance. “Is he not honest? ‘Honest my lord?’ Honest? Ay, honest” Iago utilises interrogatives to make Othello perceive him as all knowing possessing valuable information he desires. Iago is also manipulating Othello filling him with doubt. So is Iago the ultimate opportunist? No. Although, certain events such as; the handkerchief dropping; Bianca’s entrance and Cassio and Desdemona closeness appear to be coincidental It is ineffectively Iago’s poison that ends Othello.

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