Korean High School Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge, Inferencing Abilities, and Reading Comprehension Abilities
Hye Eun Cho
Korea University Cho, Hye Eun. (2011). Korean high school students’ vocabulary knowledge, inferencing abilities, and reading comprehension abilities. Modern English Education, 12(4), 90-106. The study investigates the relationship among students’ general vocabulary knowledge, their local and global inferencing abilities, and their reading comprehension abilities. It used quantitative methods of analysis to investigate what factors have a significant effect on the reading comprehension abilities of 32 Korean first grade high school students. To assess students’ vocabulary knowledge, local and global inferencing abilities, and reading comprehension abilities, PPVT (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test), a pseudo-word meaning inferencing tool, and KPSAT (Korea Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) inferencing test items, and KPSAT reading comprehension test scores were used. The findings showed that vocabulary knowledge, local and global inferencing abilities, and reading comprehension abilities had a statistically significant correlation. In spite of the significant relationship, vocabulary knowledge did not have the strongest relationship with students’ reading comprehension abilities. Simple regression analyses showed that vocabulary knowledge, local and global inferencing abilities explained reading comprehension abilities when other variables were not controlled. However, the predictive power of vocabulary knowledge was lost when local and global inferencing abilities were controlled. Different predictors of Korean high school students’ reading comprehension abilities based on their English proficiency were shown in this study. Some pedagogical implications are suggested. [general vocabulary knowledge/ inferencing abilities//predictor of reading comprehension abilities/어휘능력/ 유추능력/영어독해능력