The novel “The Divine Wind” written by Gary Disher is a novel that presents the readers the conflicts that occur throughout the history of mankind and were all caused by the racial prejudice. The years of 1940’s in the chaotic times of Australia where it was filed with war and hatred in which many lives and loved once and families was destroyed. This novel is a good example of a historical setting. It also shown us the prevalence of racial prejudice that result to hardship between white and minorities in Australia during the war. During the time in which this novel was set, Broome had such a diverse, and multicultural community, therefore the range of attitudes. Many of those who were brought up in the town were more accepting than the new comers. But many were really racist, and denied non-white Australians many rights, including the right to equality; respect; justice and freedom.
The setting is Broome, a town in Western Australia, shortly before and during the early years of the Second World War. At that time Broome is a typical Australian boundary town with weak, ramshackle buildings, "a straggling mile of wood and corrugated-iron shops and dwellings", its red dirt roads scribbling "through grey scrubland", and its ever present sea and white beaches. The scents of "saltwater tides and mock-orange blossom, incense and burning dung, cotton heated by the sun, spices in hot oil" determine the atmosphere of this town. The novel is set during the world war. It describes the Australia that is tensed by racism, hatred and distrust and ends into an optimistic remark. I was set during world war stresses and also the separation of races during the war seems evident in the country- Australia and as a multicultural country it includes the Nepponese and Aboriginal people population with different attitudes for these races had to be approaching.
The most obvious racial prejudice way that Gary Disher portray was the way that the white society forced the