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1. My Last Day At School
(A Farewell Party)
I shall remember my last day at school throughout my life. It was 2nd of March. We were bidden farewell by class IX.
It was Sunday. We reached school at 3 P.M. The school hall was beautifully decorated for the farewell function.
The party began at 4 P.M. For about an hour we ate to our hearts content, (‫)جی بھر کر‬gossiped (‫)گپیں لگائی‬and laughed very much.
The farewell function started at 5 P.M. Mr. Salman, a student of class
X, made a moving (‫) جذباتی‬speech in which he mentioned our long and deep association (‫)تعلق‬with the school as well as the class. He wished us every success in future (‫)مستقبل‬
After this speech, I, on behalf of (‫ )کی طرف سے‬my class, thanked the host (‫ .)میزبان‬In my speech (‫ ,)تقریر‬I lauded (‫)سراہا‬the good arrangements,
(‫)انتظامات‬made by the host and accepted their good wishes for all of us. I was feeling sad because of the separation from my old and august institution in whose lap (‫)گود‬I got education. For me, it was not merely
(‫)محض‬a school, but it was a cradle (‫)گہوارہ‬of culture (‫)ثقافت‬and civilization
(‫ .)تہذیب‬In the end, the reverened (‫ )قابل احترام‬Headmaster made an impassioned (‫)جذباتی‬speech in which he appealed us to build our mind and character on sound lines. He advised us to adhere (‫)چمٹنا‬to the glorious
(‫)شاندار‬traditions of this institution (‫.)ادارہ‬
After his encouraging (‫)حوصلہ افزائ‬speech, the function came to an end. We left our school with heavy hearts casting our last looks at this great institution. 2. Sports and Games


Sports and games play a significant (‫)اہم‬role in the development of human personality (‫ .) شخصیت‬They are as important for human body as food grains (‫ )غذائی اشیائ‬and fresh water. They keep us active, healthy and smart.
Games and sports are called co-curricular activities (‫.)ہم نصابی سر گرمیاں‬
They are an important part of our school curricular (‫ .)نصاب‬Pakistani students are very fond of sports and games. The facilities (‫ )سہولیات‬are, of course (‫ ,) بے شک‬inadequate (‫)ناکا فی‬at present. The situation is expected to improve in near future.
Games and sports create in us the sense of discipline (‫ . )نظم وضبط‬The captain of the team works like a General and the team has to obey the captain. All these things create sportsman spirit in the minds and souls of the players. They learn to lead their life in a disciplined manner.
Games and sports are a very good and useful source of recreation
(‫ .)تفریح‬They utililze (‫)استعمال کرنا‬the vacant (‫)خالی‬time of the young generation.
So their personality develops and they do not indulge in (‫)حصہ لینا‬such activities like gambling (‫)جوابازی‬and drinking (‫.)شراب نوشی‬
Sports and games keep our body and soul healthy. A sound mind is always in a sound body. Health is Wealth. If one loses his health, he will not be able to carry out his duties efficiently (‫ .)بطر یق احسن‬As a result, he will be left behind in the race of progress.

3. My House
"East or West, home is the best". It is a famous old proverb ( ‫ضرب‬
‫ )المثل‬which is true to the hilt (‫ بالکل سچ‬µ). My house is situated (‫)واقع ہے‬on the main road. It is not far (‫ )دور‬from my school. It is double storeyed. It is fitted with electricity. There are four rooms in each floor. There are marble chips on the floor. We have covered the drawing room with wall to wall carpet. The show-cases in the drawing room have been tastefully decorated. It has a kitchen and a bath. It has four bed rooms. I have a folding study-table in a corner of the drawing room where I study and do my home-work. Compiled by: HAFIZ ASHFAQ AHMED


All the rooms of my house are airy, neat and clean. They are whitewashed every year. We have all the facilities of modern life in our house.
Very nice people live around us.
I have grown many beautiful flowers in one corner of my house. Their fragrance (‫ )خوشبو‬refreshes me and my family. I love my house very much. I am proud of my house. God bless our home.

4. Courtesy
Courtesy (‫ )خوش خلقی‬means polite (‫ )شائستہ‬behaviour (‫ .)رویہ‬It springs
(‫ )پیداہوتی ہے‬from good breeding and kindness of heart. A courteous man is always polite and observes good manners at all occasions (‫ .)مواقع‬He always repects the feelings of others and does not hurt them at any cost.
Courtesy demands that we should be polite and pleasant (‫ )خوشگوار‬in every field of life. Our religion lays great stress on the need of courtesy.
Islam teaches us politeness and good manners in every sphere of life.
Muslims greet one another, saying "Assalam-u-Alakum", and they often add some remarks about each other’s health and welfare (‫.)بہتری‬
Courtesy demands that we should speak gently to everyone. Our words may break a heart or heal it. Courtesy costs nothing but it pays a lot.
It consoles the dejected (‫ )افسردہ‬souls. It brings us sincere friends.
Good manners demand that we should wait for our turn. In a crowded
(‫ )پرہجوم‬bus, we should offer our seat for the women, weak or disabled
(‫ )معذور‬persons. We should help the blind to cross the road. We should respect humanity (‫ )انسانیت‬in order to make everyday life really comfortable and worth living (‫ .)رہنے کے قابل‬Courtesy amply fulfils (‫ )پورا کرتی ہے‬this need.

5. Libraries
Libraries are part and parcel of a civilized (‫ )مہذب‬society. They are huge store of knowledge. Every library has a large number of books on many subjects. Libraries provide us information about current affairs ( ‫حاالت‬
‫ )حاضرہ‬as well as past events (‫ .)واقعات‬People doing research (‫ )تحقیق‬can avail themselves a lot from the libraries. Libraries quench (‫ )بجھانا‬the thirst


for knowledge. They supplement (‫)بڑھانا‬the readers knowledge by providing exact and latest (‫ )تازہ ترین‬information. It is a matter of regret (‫ )افسوس‬that our library system is not functioning properly. Our libraries remain open when people are busy in their work and they are closed in the evening when people are free from daily business.
There is no whole-time staff for libraries. Besides this (‫,)اسکے عالوہ‬ there is no incentive (‫)تر غیب‬to read general books. There is no proper ventilation (‫ہوا کی آمدورفت‬µ)system in our libraries. Books lying in locked shelves stink (‫)بدبو آنا‬awfully (‫)خوفناک حد تک‬due to want of fresh air.
Libraries play an important role in creating a genuine (‫)اصلی‬love of books and interest in current affairs.The reading rooms of libraries develop a sense of discipline, research and enquiry.There is a variety of attractive
(‫)پر کشش‬titles in a library which bring about a healthy and beneficial
(‫)مفید‬effect on the eager minds of the readers.

6. Health
Working properly of all the systems of a living being (‫)جاندار‬is called health. "Health is wealth" is a famous proverb often quoted by parents and teachers. Health is, no doubt, a great blessing of God. If one loses health, he will surely be left behind in his work because a sound body has a sound brain. We should take care of our health. We should keep our environment clean and take simple food and balanced diet (‫ .)متوازن خوارک‬Early to bed and early to rise makes man healthy wealthy and wise. We should take exercise (‫ )ورزش‬daily and keep our body clean. We should have our meals at regular intervals (‫ .)وقفے‬We should brush our teeth daily and cut our nails
(‫ )ناخن‬regularly. We should not indulge (‫ )مبتال ہونا‬in such activities which are injurious (‫ )نقصان دہ‬to our health. Smoking and drinking should be given up in order to attain sound health and physical strength.
Sometimes staying at one place for several years makes us weary
(‫ )تھکاہوا‬and stale (‫ .)خشک ۔ باسی‬It indicates (‫ )نشان دہی کرنا‬that we need a


change in our environment (‫ .)آب وہوا‬If we go to some other place, it will do us a great favour. Change of environment and fresh air are better than all the tonics (‫ )مقوی ادویات‬of the world. We should avoid to eat outdoor because homemade cookies (‫ )پکی ہوئی اشیا‬are pure and the safest in the world.

7. A Rainy Day
It was the month of July. The sun was shining brightly. Everybody was perspiring (‫ )پسینہ آنا‬from head to foot. It had not rained since long so every living being (‫ )جاندار‬was in trouble (‫.)تکلیف‬
One day it was very hot. Suddenly clouds appeared (‫ )ظاہر ہوئے‬from the west and spread all over the sky at once. It flashed (‫ )بجلی چمکی‬and thundered (‫ )گرج پید ا ہوئی‬for some time. Then it began to rain by cats and dogs (‫ .)موسالدھار‬The streets were soon filled with rain water. There was knee-deep (‫ )گھٹنوں تک گہرا‬water everywhere. They began to float paperboats on water. Everyone was feeling gay and happy. All the pollution
(‫)آلودگی‬of the air went away. The rain stopped after one hour. The weather became pleasant. People got rid of scorching (‫ )چھلسا دینے والی‬heat. They thanked God for this relief (‫.)آرام‬

8. A Scene at the Railway Station
A railway station is a crowded (‫ )پر ہجوم‬and noisy (‫ )شوروغل واال‬place in a big city. The rail-tracks (‫ )ریل کی پٹریاں‬connect different towns and cities.
The train is drawn by the heavy and powerful engine and it stops briefly
(‫)مختصر وقت کے لیے‬for the passengers (‫ )مسافر‬at railway stations.
Last Sunday, I went to a railway station to see off (‫ )خدا حافظ کہنا‬one of my friends. When we reached the station, it was over-crowded (‫ )پر ہجوم‬with people. I bought the ticket with great difficulty and we proceeded (‫)روانہ ہوائے‬ to the platform.
The platform was full of passengers. There was a great hustle and bustle all around. Some people were sitting on benches while others were walking here and there. The children were more excited ‫ .)پرخوش‬They were looking at the colourful (‫ )رنگارنگ‬advertisements (‫ .)اشتہارات‬There were many



stalls of fruit, tea, books and magazines. The vendors (‫)خوانچہ فروش‬were doing roaring (‫)دھوم دھام سے‬business (‫)کاروبار‬
Soon the train arrived at the station. People rushed to their compartments (‫ .)کمرے ۔ ڈبے‬Every person was trying to get into the bogie first. The train stopped for five minutes. Then the guard blew the whistle
(‫ )سیٹی بجائی‬and also waved a green flag. The train started moving slowly.
The station seemed to desert (‫ )ویران‬as before.

9. A True Muslim
The follower (‫)پیروکار‬of Islam is called Muslim. To be a Muslim is a great blessing (‫)نعمت ۔ رحمت‬of Allah. A Muslim who sincerely ( ‫خلوص‬
‫)کیساتھ‬acts upon all the teachings of Islam is called a true Muslim.
A true Muslim has firm belief in the oneness (‫)تو حید‬of Allah and His revelations(‫ .)وحی ۔ آسمانی کتب‬He is aware (‫)آگاہ‬of this fact (‫)حقیقت‬that God knows his every action either hidden (‫ )چھپاہوا‬or open. He leads a simple and pure life. He avoids (‫)پر ہیز کرتاہے‬evil (‫)برے‬actions. He believes in the day of judgement (‫ .)روزقیامت‬He prepares for the life hereafter (‫ .)اخرت کی‬He says his prayers regularly. He observes fasts (‫)روزے‬in the month of
Ramazan. He pays Zakat and other Islmic taxes. If he affords, he performs
A true Muslim is a responsible citizen (‫)شہری‬of Islamic society. He does not harm (‫)نقصان پہنچانا‬the other members of his society with his hands or tongue. He gives alms (‫)خیرات‬to the needy and the helpless. (‫.)بے کس‬
A true Muslim seeks knowledge. He is clean in habits and pure
(‫)خالص‬in thoughts. He does not deceive (‫)دھوکہ دینا‬anybody. He treats every person with kindness and love. He is enemy of the evil (‫ .)برائی‬He fights for the cause of Islam. In fact, a true Muslim is far better than an angel.

10. Life In A Big City
Daily life in a big city is busy (‫ )مصروف‬and exciting. It is full of charms and comforts as well as full of difficulties (‫ )مشکالت‬and problems (‫ .)مسائل‬Life in a big city is not as simple and peaceful (‫)پرامن‬as village life.


Big cities are centres of trade (‫)تجارت‬and business. There are many big markets and shopping centres in big cities. As soon as the sun rises people move on to their jobs in offices, mills, factories and shops. There is a great rush of traffic on roads. Traffic often jams in rush hours. The same thing happens after mid-day when thousands of people return to their homes after the day's work.
The atmosphere (‫)فضا‬of big cities is not clean and fresh. It is polluted
(‫ )آلودہ‬with harmful substances (‫ .)مادے‬Sanitation (‫)صفائی‬facilities (‫)سہولیات‬are inadequate (‫ .)ناکافی‬Heaps of dirt can be seen everywhere (‫.)ہر جگہ‬
The residents (‫)رہائشی‬of big cities have no peace of mind. Worries
(‫ )پریشانیاں‬and cares are part and parcel of there life. People are strictly tied to daily routine. They do not find any time to relax (‫ )تسکین دینا‬themselves.
Big cities are centres of knowledge (‫ .)علم‬There are many schools, colleges and other educational institutions in big cities. Besides this, medical facilities (‫)طبی سہولیات‬are easily available.

11. Village Life
There goes a famous saying that, "God made the country ( ‫دیہاتی‬
‫)عالقہ‬and then the city came". This sums up the belief that even God resides (‫ )رہتاہے‬in villages. Why? because villages and countryside breathe
(‫ )سانس لینا‬the fresh air of Nature (‫ .)فطرت‬The villagers get fresh vegetables
(‫ )سبزیاں‬and nourishing (‫)مقوی‬diet(‫.)غذا‬
Village people are innocent (‫)معصوم‬and lead a simple life. They are not aware (‫ )آگاہ‬of the evil practices in towns and cities. A village is an embodiment (‫ )مجسمہ‬of simplicity and sincerity (‫ .)خلوص‬There are lush-green fields, the groves (‫)جھنڈ‬of shady (‫)سایہ دار‬trees and beautiful landscapes
(‫)مناظر‬in a village. People enjoy the sweet music of birds. The scenes of sun-rise (‫ )طلوع آفتاب‬and sun-set add charm (‫ )دلکشی‬to village life.
Life in a village is easier and cheaper (‫ .)زیادہ سستی‬But there are also some disadvantages (‫ )نقصانات‬of village life. The villages have no sufficient
(‫)معقول‬facilities of schools, colleges, roads and hospitals. They live in



miserable (‫)بد حال‬conditions. But they face the hardships (‫)مشکالت‬bravely and seldom (‫)کبھی نہیں‬complain (‫.)شکایت کرنا‬
The life in a small village is worth-enjoying (‫ )قابل لطف‬because it provides peace of mind to the dejected (‫)افسردہ‬hearts.

12. Television
Television is one of the wonderful (‫ )حیرت انگیز‬inventions (‫ )ایجادات‬of science. It provides (‫ )فراہم کرتاہے‬the cheapest (‫)سستی ترین‬entertainment
(‫)تفریح‬for the whole family. It enables us to watch things happening at a remote (‫)دوردراز‬place. Many different programmes are presented on T.V. daily. They include films, songs, plays (‫ )ڈرامے‬and debates (‫ .)مباحثے‬Now a days people like to watch colour televisions.
T.V. is a source of knowledge and information. National programmes provide us a lot of information about current affairs (‫ .)حاالت حا ضرہ‬Moreover
(‫ )عالوہ ازیں‬T.V. is a useful source for distant learning (‫.)فاصالتی تعلیم‬
Thousands of students who are unable to attend the schools, colleges and universities can be educated through T.V. programmes.
Small screen of T.V. has become so popular (‫)مشہور‬that people have stopped going to cinemas. Many quiz programmes are telecasted on T.V. and they continue for the whole year. We can learn much about the history
(‫)تاریخ‬and culture (‫)ثقافت‬of our country through T.V.
But there are certain abuses (‫ )غلط استعمال‬of T.V. School going children spend most of their time in watching T.V. They do not pay attention (‫)توجہ‬to their studies. They should not watch T.V. for a long time as it is harmful
(‫)نقصان دہ‬for eye-sight (‫.)بصارت‬

13. A Visit To A Hill Station
Love of adventure is natural to man. But the degree of love varies
(‫ )مختلف ہے‬from person to person.
Last Summer, our class decided to visit Murree. Murree is a beautiful hill-resort (24 ,)‫ پہاڑی صحت افزامقام‬kilometers away from Islamabad.



We took our bus and reached Murree in the evening. We were tired of long journey. But all our fatigue (‫ )تھکاوٹ‬went away when we saw the beautiful natural scenery of Murree. We enjoyed the cool breeze, the chirping of the birds and the delightful (‫)دلکش‬scenery. The beauty of the landscape fascinated (‫)مسحور کردیا‬us. The road to Murree was zig-zag ( ‫بل‬
‫ .)کھاتی ہوئی‬AS the bus went higher and higher, we got frightened. There were many turns on the road. We were fearing of an accident (‫)حادثہ‬but thank God, we reached our destination (‫ )منزل‬safe and sound. We stayed for a fortnight (‫)پندرہ دن‬at Murree and enjoyed ourselves to our hearts content (‫ .)جی بھر کر‬After a stay of fifteen days, we returned to our homes.
We were fully refreshed now. We decided to revisit Murree in the next summer. 14. A Hockey Match
Hockey is our national (‫)قومی‬game. It is played all over the country. I am very fond of playing hockey. Last Sunday, I witnessed (‫ )دیکھا‬a hockey match. It was played between our school and Islamia High School.
The match started at 3:30. The referee blew the whistle (‫)سیٹی‬and the match started. In the beginning, the game was slow but within 15 minutes the game became very fast. Both the teams were trying their best to score a goal. The ball was rolling swiftly (‫ ) تیزی سے‬among the players. Just before the interval (‫ ,)وقفہ‬the captain of Islamia School team succeeded in scoring a goal with the help of a beautiful shot.
After the interval, the game started again. Our team became more active and dominated in the ground. Soon our team scored two goals one after the other. The students of our school felt very happy and clapped their hands to encourage (‫)حوصلہ افزائی کرنا‬the players.
The players of our rival (‫) محالف‬team fought bravely to socre any goal.
But they could not succeed in their move (‫)چال‬till the end of the game.
The spectators (‫)تماشائی‬enjoyed the game played by both the teams very much. Our school won the match by one goal. Our headmaster appreciated ‫)سراہا‬the performance of our players and gave away the prizes.



15. A Cricket Match
Cricket is quite an interesting game. It has become popular in the whole world. It has a particular (‫ )خاص‬charm (‫ )دلکشی‬of its own.
Last Friday, I happened to see a "one day cricket match" at Lahore. It was played between India and Pakistan. There was a huge gathering at the stadium. India decided to play first. The openers played a steady game. Within first 15 overs, the score rose to 80 runs. But soon Kapil Dev was out. Then he was replaced by Madan Lal. He made 50 runs in 12 overs. Soon there was break for lunch. Indian team scored 220 runs for three wickets in the fixed 50 overs.
Then the Pakistani players started batting. They opened carefully and scored 40 runs in 10 overs. After 20 overs our players became more aggressive (‫ .)جارح‬Imran Khan hit two boundaries. Mian Dad scored a beautiful century. All the Pakistani players played beautiful shots. They scored 221 runs for the loss of three wickets in the fixed fifty overs.
Pakistan won the match by seven wickets.
It was a very interesting match. We enjoyed it very much. It kept us spell-bound (‫ ) سحرزدہ‬till the end.

16. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the bright star of the History (‫ )تاریخ‬of
Pakistan. He is famous as Quaid-i-Azam. He is called the father of nation
(‫ .) بابائے قوم‬He was born in Karachi on December 25, 1876. He received his early education from karachi. After matriculation (‫ ,)میٹرک‬he was sent to
England for higher studies (‫ .)اعلی تعلیم‬He qualified from the Lincoln's Inn as a brilliant (‫)قابل‬barrister. On his return to India, he joined the Indian National
He was the greatest supporter of the Hindu-Muslim unity (‫ .)اتحاد‬But the character of certain narrow- minded (‫ )تنگ ذہین‬Hindu leaders disappointed (‫)مایوس کیا‬him. So he decided to join Muslim League.


After joining Muslim league, he worked very hard for a separate (‫)الگ‬ homeland (‫)وطن‬for the Muslims. The Hindus, The British and a section of
Muslims opposed (‫) مخالف کی‬him. But he faced every problem bravely.
In 1934, he became the president (‫)صدر‬of All India Muslim League.
On March 23, 1940, at the historic (‫)تاریخی‬session (‫)اجالس‬of the Muslim
League in Lahore, the Pakistan Resolution (‫)قرارداد پاکستان‬was passed. The dream of a separate homeland came true on August 14, 1947. Quaid-iAzam became its first Governor-General.
He worked day and night to make Pakistan great and strong. Heavy pressure of work told upon (‫)برااثر ڈاال‬his health and he died in Karachi on
September 11, 1948. Leaders like him do not die so he lives in the heart of every Pakistani.

17. Boy Scouts
Boy Scouts is a useful (‫)مفید‬movement (‫ )تحریک‬for the youth. It was founded (‫ )بنیاد رکھی‬by lord Baden Powell in 1910. It soon spread in the whole world. It is appreciated for its simple and noble (‫)نیک‬objectives
A boy, wishing to become a scout is asked to take an oath (‫ .)حلف‬He has a keen sense of duty and loyality (‫ )وفاداری‬to God Almighty, to his country and to his people.
A boy scout has many qualities (‫ .)خوبیاں‬He bears a good moral character. he enjoys a sound physical (‫)جسمانی‬and mental (‫ )ذہنی‬health. He is always ready to help the injured (‫ ,)زخمی‬the needy and the helpless ( ‫بے‬
‫ .)یارومددگار‬He respects the feelings of others and always speaks gently.
Moreover (‫ ,)اسکے عالوہ‬a scout has the qualities of leadership. He is firm (‫ )مضبوط‬and noble in command (‫ .)حکم‬He is humble (‫ )عاجز‬and obedient
A scout learns many useful skills (‫)مہارتیں‬and crafts (‫ .)دستکاریاں‬He learns the use of knife and axe. He can tie (‫ )باندھنا‬various knots (‫ .)گرہیں‬He also knows how to cook food.


A scout is a supporter of brotherhood (‫ )بھائی چارہ‬and good-will ( ‫اچھے‬
‫ )جذبات‬among people. In peace and in distress (‫ ,)تکلیف‬a boy scout shows courage, responsibility (‫)ذمہ داری‬and self-confidence (‫.)خود اعتمادی‬

18. My Favourite Book
(The Holy Quran)
I have read many books. But the Holy Quran is my favourite book. It is the last book of Allah. It was revealed (‫)نازل ہوئی‬on the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). The Holy Quran is a source of guidance for the whole human race (‫ .)بنی نوع انسان‬It discusses all the aspects (‫)پہلو‬of human life.
Allah is the author (‫)مصنف‬of this book. It can meet all the challenges of the world. I love the Holy Quran very much. I recite (‫ )تالوت کرنا‬it daily. I read its
Urdu translation (‫ .)ترجمہ‬It has changed my entire (‫ )پوری‬life. I try my best to live according to the teachings (‫)تعلیمات‬of Islam.
The Holy Quran is the most widely read book of the world. No person can dare (‫)اجرت کرنا‬to change it. It is the same (‫ )ویسی ہی‬since its day of origin (‫ . )آغاز‬Non-Muslims also study it to seek guidance (‫ .)رہنمائی‬It is a store-house of wisdom (‫ .)دانائی‬It is a complete code of life. It encourages (
‫)حوصلہ افزائی کرنا‬those who fear God and it promises hell (‫)دوزخ‬to those who are non-believers.
If we act on the Holy Quran sincerely, we can solve all of our problems. May God enable us to understand Quran and act upon it. A'min.

19. My Ambition
(My Aim in Life)
Every person has some ambition ‫ ارادہ‬in life because it is a force which excites man to action. But there are very few persons who have clear-cut aim in their lives.
As far myself is concerned (‫ )جہاں تک میرا تعلق‬the sole object (‫)مقصد‬of my life is to lead a life of simplicity (‫)سادگی‬and goodness (‫ .)اچھائی‬From the core of my heart, (‫ )دل کی گہراہونسے‬I wish to become a teacher. I have my



own reasons (‫)وجوہات‬for this. From my early childhood (‫ ,)بچپن‬I have developed a love for young children. To me, they are beautiful and delicate
(‫)نازک‬like the petals (‫)پتیاں‬of a flower. I will widen (‫)وسیع کرنا‬their outlook by giving them knowledge. I will serve my country by producing better citizens
(‫ .)شہری‬The company of young children will keep me young in thoughts
(‫)خیاالت‬and ideas (‫ )نظریات‬I have a great faith ‫ ))یقین‬in the life of a noble and ideal (‫)مثالی‬teacher. I am fully aware of the difficult and hard life of a teacher.
But simple living and high thinking inspires (‫)راغب کرنا‬me to take up this profession. Our Holy Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) was the greatest teacher of mankind. He felt pride ‫ فخر‬in being a teacher. So following the foot-steps
(‫ )نقش قدم‬of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), I aspire (‫) خواہش کرنا‬to be a teacher because teachers are the custodians (‫)محافظ‬of the highest (‫)اعلی ترین‬values
(‫)اقدار‬of a society. They are respected for their valuable (‫ )قابل قدر‬contribution
(‫)حصہ‬in building an ideal society.

20. My Hobby
A hobby (‫)مشغلہ‬is a useful activity (‫)سرگرمی‬which is done during leisure
(‫ .)فرصت‬It gives pleasure (‫)خوشی‬and enjoyment (‫)لطف‬during spare-time.
There are many hobbies like gardening (‫ ,)باغبانی‬stamp-collecting( ‫ٹکٹیں جمع‬
‫ , )کرنا‬coin-collecting (‫، )سکے جمع کرنا‬photography, reading etc, Gardening is my favourite hobby. The desire to grow fruits and flowers is natural (‫)قدرتی‬to me. So I devote (‫ )وقف‬my extra (‫ )فالتو۔ زائد‬time to gardening. I keep myself physically (‫)جسمانی طورپر‬fit with the help of this hobby. I feel myself in the heart of nature.
There is a spacious (‫ )کشادہ‬ground attached to our house. I have grown a beautiful garden in it. The sweet fragrance (‫)خوشبو‬of the flowers serves as a tonic (‫ )صحت بخش چیز‬for my body. It saves me from different diseases. I have planted a few plants of fruit also. Similarly, there is sufficient (‫)کافی معقول‬growth of vegetables in my garden. We seldom purchase (‫ )خریدنا‬vegetables from the market.



Gardening provides me a good exercise (‫)ورزش‬for the day. It is my sincere friend and inspires me whenever I am in a depressed ( ‫اعصابی تناﺅ‬
‫ )والے‬mood. Whenever I cast a glance (‫ )نظر ڈالنا‬over my small garden, my heart is filled with joy.
Life is a struggle. If we rest, we rust (‫ .)زنگ لگنا‬So it is better that one should pass very busy life. Hobby, thus, is an interesting activity which brings pleasure and recreation (‫ )تفریح‬in leisure.

21. Our School Canteen
A canteen is a place of rest and refreshment (‫ .)تفریح‬Every good school has a canteen. Eatables (‫)اشیائے خوردنی‬are sold at controlled prices at canteens. Our school has a small canteen. The manager of our canteen is an old man. We call him 'Baba Jee'. He is very kind to us. We go to our canteen in recess (‫ )تفریح‬period. We can have tea, biscuits, toffees, cold drinks and buns and butter from our canteen. Sometimes Nans and
Kababs are also available (‫.)دستیاب‬
Our school canteen is a place of attraction (‫)کشش‬for us. It is a point of fun and refreshment for us. 'Baba Jee' keeps the canteen neat and clean.
His quality of tea is superior. He sells wholesome (‫ )صحت بخش‬things at reasonable (‫ )معقول‬rates. He loves us like his own children. There is a great rush in canteen during recess.
Our school canteen caters for our needs in good manner. We like our school canteen much.

22. My Best Friend
A true friend is a blessing of God. The world looks gloomy (‫ )تاریک‬in the absence of a true and sincere friend.
Ali is my best friend. He belongs to a very noble family. He is a hard working (‫)محنتی‬student and always stands first in the class.



He is much interested in games and sports. Besides this (‫) اسکے عالوہ‬ he is a good speaker (‫ .)مقرر‬He is one of the most popular boys in the school. He possesses (‫ )رکھتا ہے‬all the qualities of head and heart. He loves all but hates none. He shares the joys and sorrows (‫)دکھ‬of his friends.
My best friend is an embodiment (‫)پیکر‬of all human virtues ( ‫اچھائیاں۔‬
‫ .)خوبیاں‬He is a calm and quite boy who does not injure (‫)مجروح کرنا‬any one's feelings. He helps the poor feeds the hungry and nurses (‫)تیمارداری کرتاہے‬the sick (‫.)بیمار‬
He has a religious (‫ )مذہنی‬bent (‫)لگاﺅ‬of mind. He sincerely follows the teachings (‫)تعلیمات‬of Islam. He is a true Muslim from the core of his heart.
He is a store-house of knowledge. I have learnt a lot from him. He is always ready to help me in my studies.
As a matter of fact, I am lucky(‫ )خوش قسمت‬that a person like Ali is my best friend. For me, he is a source of inspiration (‫ )حو صلہ افزارئی۔ ترغیب‬and guidance. For these qualities, I call him my true friend.

One Essay for Many
(For Average Students Only)
1. A ................... Match
(i) A Footbal Match
(iii) A Football Match
(v) A Volley Ball Match

(ii) A Hockey Match
(iv) A Basket Ball Match
(vi) Tug of War (‫)رسہ کشی‬

Matches are an essential part of sports and games. They give rise to sportmanship. Last Sunday a ............... match was played between Tiger
Club and M.C. High School. We reached the playground in time. There was a great rush of the spectators (‫ .)تماشائی‬Everyone was trying to get front seat. There was a great hustle and bustle. We got our seats with great



difficulty. There were many hawkers (‫ .)چھابڑی والے‬They were selling eatables (‫)اشیائے خوردنی‬in a loud voice.
The match started at the fixed time. Both the teams were equally
(‫)برابر‬strong. They were showing high spirits (‫ . )بہت زیادہ جوش وخروش‬Each team was trying its best to win the match. The supporters of both the teams were hooting (‫)آواز ے کسنا‬and shouting in excitement. There was a loud noise in the playground.
The game was passing through a critical stage. Each side was trying hard to win the match. Soon the time was over. The match ended in a draw
It was really an exciting match. We enjoyed it very much. We returned our homes tired but happy.

A common Personality
(i) A Postman

(ii) A Policeman (ii) A Street Hawker

(iv) A Farmer

(v) A School Peon

(vi) A Chowkidar

(vii) A Washerman (viii) A Taxi Driver (ix) A Bus Driver
(x) A Carpenter (xi) A Snake Charmer (xii) A Railway Coolie
(xiii) A Beggar (xiv) A Monkey Man (xv) A Juggler
A........... is a common person. He is found in every part of Pakistan.
We are familiar (‫ )واقف‬with him. He lives a very simple life. His clothes are simple. He works hard to earn his living (‫ .)روزی‬He gets up early in the morning. He enjoys no holiday. Rain or sunshine, he has to labour ( ‫مزدوری‬
‫)کرنا‬all the day long. But after his hard labour, he gets a very small amount.
He has to support a large family. So he lives from hand to mouth. He cannot enjoy the comforts (‫)آسائشیں۔ سہولیات‬of life. He can neither educate ( ‫تعلیم‬
‫)دلوانا‬nor feed his children well. He passes his whole life in poverty (‫.)غربت‬



On the whole, his general condition is pitiable (‫ .)قابل رحم‬In spite of this, he earns his living by honest means. He should be respected for his hard labour because he is not a burden (‫)بوجھ‬upon others.


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