India is sadly caught up in Ian economic quagmire so intense and so pronounced that our rulers at present are faced with a very ticklish situation not knowing exactly what to do. That things have come to such a sorry pass compels us to view with scorn the dismal record of the successive governments since we achieved independence. The present serious state of affairs is a cumulative consequence of the accumulated acts of omission and commission, of sins and pitfalls of our planners and rulers. We are virtually in a debt trap and our balance of payments position is disconcerting. We have a foreign debt burden of lakhs of corers of rupees which is mounting up further with every successive dose of borrowing from abroad. True that as per latest figures (Feb. 2007) our Foreign Exchange Reserves have touched about 200 billion dollars mark, but this situation is just a window dressing in view of the stark fact that this impressive figure has resulted from heavy dose of investment by multinationals and not from our own earnings. The facts of economic crisis are hard to hear but its the truth. Economic crisis and raised to a higher extent and the rupee has got devalued.
Our leaders in the Government boast of a high growth of GDP, its benefits are not percolating the common man, particularly the lowest strata of society. In the Human Development Index we occupy one of the lowest positions. A good chunk pi our population is still living below the[pic] poverty line despite our claim that the economy appeared to have “decidedly taken off and moved from; phase of moderate growth to a new phase of high growth. The very honour 01 India is at stake and yet we find we are not yet wide awake to the seriousness of the situation. The measures adopted so far leave much to be desired and it is doubtful whether the measures contemplated to he adopted in future will be imaginative and sincere enough to bale India out of the present