| | | | LOCATIONLocated near to Lonavala in a beautiful rustic setting on it's own campus.Nearest Railways Station: Lonavala
Nearest Airport: Pune and BombayIN THE SURROUNDINGS:Sattvik Excursions around and in Lonavala:There are many beautiful and sacred sites in this area. Please enquire at Atma Santulana for more info.ABOUT THE CLINIC:A well known clinic running as an Ayurvedic community established by Balaji Tambe. It has a lovely integration of living, being and treatment. Balaji Tambe is well known for working with sound and healing too as well as other metaphysical approaches to healing. The clinic is well regarded and frequently attended by people from Germany and neighbouring countries.Atmasantulana Village is a holistic center, Ayurvedic treatments, meditation, yoga and other programs for its resident offers. The Santulan spa, a redesigned Panchakarma is a very effective, comprehensive health program for rejuvenation, purification and treatment of diseases.TREATMENTS:Participants will receive a special vegetarian undergo diet and various ayurvedic treatments , including oil massage and steam bath , intake of ayurvedic Kräuterghee , Virechan to clean the gastrointestinal tract and particularly oil - Basti ( enema) (Program for 15 Day course of treatment).After this initial treatment, additional applications will be carried out, such as targeted treatments for heart, brain, eyes, ears, bones and joints. For those who suffer from a particular disease, these applications according to the individual as the case may be prescribed by the physician (the program for 21 or 30 days treatment).
Special treatments such as rice - Massage, Shiro Basti, Uttar Basti, electrotherapy, Spine Potali etc. may be recommended in addition to the various events included in the standard treatments.ACCOMMODATION:We provide; Type A