(Department of Mass Communication)
Course: Social Psychology Part-II (5640) Semester: Autumn, 2010
Level: M. Sc.
Instructions This course carries two assignments. Each assignment carries 100 marks. Write each assignment in your own words.
Some of questions require use of examples from Pakistani perspective/setting. So do not simply rehash material from the book in verbatim but rely on synthesizing materials from different chapters of the book in your own language
Discuss complex issues of the course with your tutor in the tutorial meetings.
List of Contents This package comprises the following materials:
Text Book (Social Psychology)
Assignments 1 and 2
Assignments forms (2sets)
Schedule of submitting the assignments, and tutorial meetings.
Note: If you find anything missing from the above mentioned material, kindly inform:
Mailing Officer
Mailing Section
Allama Iqbal Open University,
Block No. 28, H-8 Islamabad.
Ph: 051-9057611-12
Dr. Saqib Riaz
Course Coordinator
(Department of Mass Communication)
1. Plagiarism or hiring of ghost writer(s) for solving the assignment(s) will debar the student from award of degree/certificate, if found at any stage.
2. Submitting assignments borrowed or stolen from other(s) as one’s own will be penalized as defined in “AIOU Plagiarism Policy”.
Course: Social Psychology Part-II (5640) Semester: Autumn, 2010
Level: M. Sc. Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 40
(Units: 10-13)
All questions carry equal marks.
Q. No.1 Describe the influence of group size, unanimity, cohesion and status on conformity.
Q. No.2 What is persuasion? What are the essential elements of Persuasion? Give summary of the case study “Resisting Persuasion: Attitude inoculation”.
Q. No.3 What do you know about Social Facilitation? Also briefly explain why are we aroused in the