The Writing Center At Rensselaer
4508 Sage Lab 518/276-8983 Developed by: Maureen Murphy Patricia Nugent Jennifer Taylor
Introduction Admission to graduate school is highly competitive. Writing an essay, or personal statement, is often the most difficult part of the application process. Requirements vary widely, with some programs requesting only one or two paragraphs about why you want to pursue graduate study, and others requiring five or six separate essays in which you are expected to write at length about your motivation for graduate study, your strengths and weaknesses, your greatest achievements, and solutions to hypothetical problems. Business schools are notorious for requiring several timeconsuming essays. This handout is designed to provide some general guidance on how to write a successful essay. Essay Checklist: Start early enough to allow for several rewritings. Carefully review the instructions and prepare an outline of what you are to include. Write concisely. Demonstrate your ability to think and express ideas clearly. Articulate your motivation and capacity to succeed, and why you and this program are a good match. Use first person (“I”) and active voice. This essay is about you. Be unique and creative while still writing in a scholarly fashion. Keep the length to one or two pages.
Revised 02/02
Purpose and Audience Your aim should be a clear, succinct statement showing that you have a definite sense of what you want to do and enthusiasm for the field of study you have chosen. Your essay should reflect your writing abilities; more important, it should reveal the clarity, the focus, and the depth of your knowledge about your chosen field of study. Before writing anything, stop and consider what your reader might be looking for; the general directions or other parts of the application may indicate this. Additionally, you should research the school,