Cited: Easwaran, Eknath. The Bhagavad Gita. 2. Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Pr, 2007. Print. Word Count: 1,855
Cited: Easwaran, Eknath. The Bhagavad Gita. 2. Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Pr, 2007. Print. Word Count: 1,855
Sacred texts and writings go hand in hand with beliefs and believers. This is because beliefs determine what was originally written in the sacred texts and over time these writings determined what beliefs the later generations would have. It is accepted that the sacred texts and writings are revelations from god and therefore, god’s word or instruction. This is evidence that these two characteristics interact with each other to create a dynamic, living religion as sacred texts and writings by explains to people how to behave using instructional, historical and exemplary behaviour as an example.…
I chose Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad-Gita. This chapter is set in a battlefield where a war between the Kaurava’s and Pandava’s armies is about to take place. Just before the war begins Prince Arjuna sees that in both armies family members are present, both sides are made up of “fathers, grandfathers, teachers, brothers, uncles, sons, grandsons, in-laws and friends." Arjuna is overcome with grief and tells Krishna, who has taken the form of his charioteer, that he has no desire to fight and no need for a kingdom if it means killing his own family. Krishna tells Arjuna to get up and push forward for it is his duty as a warrior to fight this righteous war. When Arjuna questions this, Krishna explains that there is no such thing…
Biology 111 is a study of the structure and function of the human body. The course covers in detail the human body from its biochemical and sub cellular aspects through tissues. Special emphasis is given the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. The lecture and laboratory are correlated to provide an overview of the interrelationships of normal human anatomy and physiology. Biology 111 meets the general education requirement for group II-science.…
From ancient Greece, India, Pre-modern China to feudal Japan, there is a treasure trove of literature and epics from the ancient times available to us. Each is valued for having contributed to the way society thinks today. These literary masterpieces have shaped our ideas about human life and spiritual growth and have sparked riveting debates about the existence of God and the importance of spirituality. Among these great works of art is the Ramayana, a tale where Dharma, or right-conduct, pervades throughout. Though the Ramayana is set in an era far different from our own, several of the values, events and teachings are still relevant today. Many of the situations that take place in the epic relate to the issues we face in today’s society. In this paper, I will use various mediums to prove the Ramayana’s relevance in our modern world. I will begin by discussing the Hindu philosophy of Vedanta and its relation to my thesis. Then, I will discuss the values of the Ramayana in comparison to the other literary works of India, namely the Mahabharata. I will continue by analyzing the effect and impact of the Ramayana on Asia and Asian religions. I will then briefly discuss the doctrine of Jivatma and Paramatma in relation to the Ramayana and present day society. Following this, I will discuss the value systems present in the Ramayana as well as how they support or oppose the value systems seen in Western and Eastern society today. Next, I will discuss the role of the Bhagavad Gita in explaining and supporting the Ramayana’s value systems, as well as the impact the work has had on society today. Finally, I will close by talking about the notion of Dharma vs. Adharma, and the idea of globalization in comparison to Valmiki’s great epic.…
The Bhagavad-Gita is an essential part of Hinduism. Hinduism is one of the oldest belief systems in the world. The Hindu culture is very complex and diverse because of how many gods and different core foundational beliefs they follow and live by. Their sacred texts are referred to as Vedas, which are considered to be a vital part in their traditions. The Vedas are seen as much more than just religious writings. They are seen as deeply rooted in the history and culture of India The Hindu culture has other books filled with poems, hymns, stories that the Hindus believe in whole-heartedly. Like Christians believe God is three in one with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit the Hindus believe their supreme god named Brahma is Vishnu and Shiva…
Since the beginning of mankind, man has sought some form of a higher entity and a basis for humanity. Since the beginning, it has always been important to find a greater purpose for human life--to discover life’s meaning. Naturally, due to cultural differences, incongruities arose in man’s interpretation of how best to live and how best to be faithful, and eventually man focused more on those differences rather than the similar theme that was emphasized in each of the Holy Books: to love our neighbors and to love God, or whatever higher entity we chose to worship (Interview). As time progressed, these differences in opinion began to become forms of identification, and man began to use faith and religion to distinguish themselves from one another.…
In the Bhagavad-Gita, Vishnu presents three qualities of nature that are bind within a person’s inner self, atman, which are sattva, rajas, and tamas. In the Bhagavad-Gita translated by Barabara Stoler Miller, she translated in the fourteenth teaching, verse five, that sattva, rajas, and tamas were lucidity, passion, and dark inertia respectively. The first quality of nature, sattva, is portrayed as the good and light in humans. However, according to the Merriam-Webster, lucidity means the clearness of thought or style. I believe that the usage of the word lucidity has less impact and focus on the good nature of humans but more on the clearness and one-dimensional thought of being neither good nor evil. The second…
There are many different people in the world today with a varied view of religion. There are perhaps thousands of religious belief sets throughout the world. In the workplace we are confronted with individuals from all walks of life, cultures and religions. There is a woman that I work with by the name of Kiran. She is of Indian descent and I have had the good fortune to become close to her and share the gospel of my God. She is always kind and listens to me preach to her without judgment or condemnation.…
Condition, this fundamental question calls for the consideration on what is wrong with humanity. The Hinduism world view seems to be addressing on these several issues of ignorance of identity, the attachment toward reality and the knowledge required achieving true nirvana.…
He was brought through both mental and physical pain. Mental being the rough path without his love and him having that big hole in his heart. The physical being the whipping he takes and the almost being burned but saved by the rain. These also served as lessons which he overcomes and he realizes at the end of his…
The characters in F. Scott Fitzgerald's book, The Great Gatsby, specifically Tom Buchanan and Gatsby, view God and their world as wasted, faded, empty, and dead. Their opinion of God is symbolized by the Valley of Ashes being looked upon by the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, and it forms the idea that the men are their own gods, being able to act according to their self-set morals and rules. Throughout the story Fitzgerald shows readers evidence of this through the contrast between Tom and Gatsby. He also uses comments and descriptions of the Valley of Ashes and the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg. Lastly, the impact that the absence of God has in the life of Tom and Gatsby, which reflects their actions, that are influenced by their self-set morals…
Since religion and mythology seek to provide an explanation behind the occurrence of a phenomenon, they can be extremely beneficial to human beings who may be facing difficulties in life. The above connection between religion and mythology and knowledge and faith enables an individual gain some insight into the happenings in his/her life. With the knowledge gained from religion and mythology, the said individual can believe in the existence of something good as well as provide some form of closure with the…
The understanding of Dharmic and Kharmic action is important for people who are seeking to understand Hinduism. A good way to explain this importance is through the Bhagavad-Gita. The Bhagavad-Gita explains in detail a tale of two ruling families in India and their struggles with an internal war. I will be looking specifically at the character Arjuna. Arjuna is given a dilemma in his life that forces him to question his Dharma.…
While it is often easier for people to turn to man-made laws and customs during times of crisis, as suggested in the Antigone, the Bhagavad-Gita convincingly demonstrates that it is more rewarding to turn instead to divinely inspired sacred duty.…
The Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu sacred text of 7000 verses within the Mahabharata, which is commonly acknowledged as Sruti literature and talks about a battle between the two royal families. Basically, It endorses the achievement of the divine consciousness of the Supreme Lord and promotes three main yogas, which is tremendously important for achieving good and keeping our mind more concerned with mental and spiritual well-being than physical activity. Relevantly, the yoga refers to the practice of physical postures or poses and a doubtless actions for human beings to concentrate their minds and leading towards the sacred shrine. Three main yogas that are described in Bhagavad Gita are Karma yoga; a form that opposes actions which have a purpose, or are supposed to bear fruit/bring results, selfless actions, Jnana yoga; a form of yoga that liberates through knowledge, and Bhakti yoga;it advocates devotion to God. In this essay, I am going to describe what is the role of karma-yoga play in the story of the Bhagavad Gita?, What does it mean and how it is relevant to my own life?…