University of the Philippines in Diliman
I. 1. Management Essentials
• Management involves setting goals and allocating scarce resources to achieve them.
• Management is the process of efficiently achieving the objectives of the organization with and through people.
• Primary Functions of Management
Planning – establishing goals
Organizing – determining what activities need to be done
Leading – assuring the right people are on the job and motivated
Controlling – monitoring activities to be sure goals are met
2. What is Human Resource Management?
• Human Resource Management (HRM) is a subset of the study of management that focuses on how to attract, hire, train, motivate and maintain employees. Strong employees become a source of competitive advantage in a global environment facing change in a complex ways at a rapid pace.
DeCenzo et al (2010:1)
• "Human resource/personnel management may be defined as the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational and societal objectives are accomplished." Edwin B.Elippo
• ‘All those activities associated with the management of employment relationships in the firm’Boxall and Purcell (2003: 1)
• ‘The management of work and people in organizations’Boxall et al (2007.7) HRM as ‘an inevitable process that accompanies the growth oforganizations’Boxall and Purcell (2010: 29)
• The policies, practices,and systems thatinfluence employees’ behavior, attitudes, and performance.Noe et al (2011.1)
HRM covers activities such as
• human capital management,
• knowledge management,
• organization design and development,
• resourcing (workforce planning, recruitment and selection, and talent management),
• performance management,
• learning and development,
• reward management,
• employee relations and employee