Here at Company X we strive for success using a set of ethical standards that will ensure peak employee performance as well as employee satisfaction at the company. We strive for excellence via training and employee education on policies and procedures.
Policies and Procedures
Company X can only be as successful as their employees. For employee success, Company X will cover all the policies and regulations and allot time for any new employee questions or concerns.
All employees are required to participate in 2 hours of policy, procedure, and safety training before the new hire process can be completed. At the end of the training period employee will sign off stating they have received the training and the employee handbook. By doing this it will ensure that Company X is protected if an employee states that they did not know the policies and procedures.
The employees at Company X are held to a high standard by using a code ethics. This means that all employees will be held accountable for their decisions and performance. Employees are expected to report any violations in this code of ethics that they witness. Company X has an open door policy. This means that all employees can speak to any person in the company about a possible ethics violation without repercussions of any kind. Violators of the ethics code are subject to Company X’s disciplinary code. If all people take an active part in the compliance of the ethics program employee moral should stay at a high and production will improve as well.
Unacceptable Behavior, including but not limited to: ▪