Motivating operation (MO) is what is used to either increase or decrease the value of a certain reinforcer or determine the frequency of a behavior. An establishing operation (EO) is defined as anything that is withheld for a certain period, which will increase the value of the reinforcer or punisher. On the other hand, an abolishing operation (AO) is something that is used to decrease the value of a reinforcer or punisher.
Identify one challenging behavior that could be decreased with the use of antecedent control.
Based on Mayer, Sulzer-Azaroff, and Wallace (2014), antecedent control involves deploying some part of a physical or social environment …show more content…
The example utilizes Mandy, who is a six year old child who has been diagnosed with autism. She recently started having tantrums when she confronts a new task. The behavior function is escape/avoidance. Her mother realized that in order for Mandy to complete a requested task, she can use the new puppy, who was just introduced into the home, as a reinforcer. Mandy’s mom allowed Mandy to pair with the new puppy to ensure the value of the reinforcer. Once paired, Mandy’s mom introduced new tasks and Mandy would display the tantrum, but requested to play with the puppy. Mandy’s mother removed the puppy from Mandy’s visual site for a few days to make the establish operation (EO) more valuable. Mandy’s mother also ignored the onset of the tantrum behavior and continues with the SD of demanding Mandy to complete the task. Once several tasks were completed, Mandy was once again enabled to play with her puppy. Anytime Mandy would attempt to start a tantrum, Mandy’s mom will begin to remove the puppy out of Mandy’s visual sight. Mandy was able to associate the tantrum involved with the removal of Mandy’s favorite puppy. If Mandy’s mom allowed Mandy to continue playing with the puppy (reinforcer), despite of her tantrums, the behavior may have continued or increased, which is known as the evocative effect. However, since Mandy’s mom only allowed Mandy to play with the puppy once