1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Executive Summary
4. Mission
5. Company Background
6. Statement of the Problem
1. Problem Statement
2. Problem Significant
7. Project Objective
8. Limitation of the Project
9. Methodology
10. Analysis of the Project
11. Scope of the Statement
12. Proposed Improvement
13. Expected Output
14. Recommendation
15. Acknowledgment
The aim of this study is to investigate risk management, security and controls in the
Context of Automated teller machines (ATMs). In doing so, it adopts a non-technical
Approach by investigating the interrelationship and effect of risk management and controls
In setting Automated Teller Machine security goals. The literature explores and discusses
The risk management and different controls of ATMs. To reduce the risk of fraudulent
Activity, several controls can be integrated into the ATM processing environment.
However, the controls should not be considered a cure-all.
Keywords: ATMs, data security, risk, fraud, electronic banking, and controls.
This paper examines the effects of incompatibility in network industries. In a network industry such as telecommunications, the internet, or automatic teller machines (ATMs) in the banking industry,firms are technologically interconnected. This interconnection can lead to more complicated pricing structures than those observed in traditional industries, since a consumer may receive direct or indirect services both from his chosen firm and its rivals. While interconnection increases the size of the network available to consumers, in industries such as the banking industry, the introduction of price discrimination between affiliated and unaffiliated consumers reintroduces firm-level network economies by reducing compatibility within the shared network. This paper measures the impact of this incompatibility and finds significant effects