Estate planning attorneys have a comprehensive understanding of the probate process in your state, as well as up-to-the-minute knowledge of estate tax laws. They will help you ensure that your final wishes regarding the distribution of your …show more content…
They will not only discuss wills and trusts; they will present options which you can employ immediately to lessen the taxes and probate costs on your estate.
Estate planning attorneys can also advise you as to whether or not any personal changes in you life will require a change in your estate plan. If, for instance, you are widowed or divorced, in you later years, and considering remarriage, you should be aware that there may be consequences for your estate.
Should you remarry late in life, you and you spouse will be responsible for the costs of each other's long-term health care should one of you be placed in a nursing home. Those costs be a significant drain on you, or you future spouse's, assets. For more information on estate trusts and attorneys visit
If you have children from an earlier marriage and intend to remarry, changing your estate plan so that you will include your new spouse among your heirs, there is a possibility of conflicted feelings among your children. Estate planning attorneys can suggest ways in which you can begin to distribute the assets you intend to leave to you children assets among your children during your lifetime without it causing tax