The movie Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind had a great detail of editing by the film editor. As a viewer the editing was important, and how they captured the scenes as the movie’s story was at a fast pace throughout the movie. The film’s editor also provided great cuts to let us, as the viewers follow the whole situation of the history of all the characters in the movie, from the past to present. When I see such complicated movies like that I always think how complicated, and how the film editor probably had such a head ache with so many shots taken from the director and having to cut and splice the whole story together.
The movie Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind uses flashbacks that slowly reveal the time and space the couple spent together and all the events that made up their relationship. A perfect example of that is when Jim Carey is telling us about how he brought a necklace to the girl he loves and it flashbacks to him buying and delivering it to the girl he loves in the library where she has no idea who Jim Carey is. The movie also incorporates a flash-forward type of editing as the beginning of the movie will show, when they are in the train together and they are meeting for the first time as they know it, for their memories for each other have been erased through special procedures. Continuity editing is implied a lot also, without the smooth transactions of editing, the movie would be in turmoil, but as that is said a discontinuity editing also has to be implied, because without it we wouldn’t have a clear view of what everyone is doing during the time of a specific actor’s action. The durations of shots captured in the film were sometimes a bit too fast. It’s duration to me felt rushed and didn’t give enough time to actually grasp what is going on, for some scenes I had to go back and rewind the movie so that I could understand fully what the actors are really doing. The movie to me was a very smooth transitioning movie