The winter of 1738, Ethan Allen was born a native of Connecticut. Allen was said to be a tall, and a troublesome man. As Ethan and his family explored the New Hampshire Grants, it fostered his love of the land. He later settled there in 1762 with his own family, his wife, Mary Brownson, along with their five children and then again with his second wife and three more children. A father of eight, Allen became a U.S soldier who protected his country in the American Revolution and the French and Indian War by leading the Green Mountain Boys. He preferred using his intelligence to violence but his temper …show more content…
Britain needed to secure Fort Ticonderoga for support and for reinforcements from Canada. Fort Ticonderoga was an essential piece for many further battles to come for the colonies. During the battle of Fort Ticonderoga Ethan Allen lead and guided the Green Mountain Boys, a group of resisting men from the New Hampshire Grants. Their main goal was to capture Fort Ticonderoga but that plan was immediately changed when Benedict Arnold showed up. He arrived to show Ethan Allen that he had the papers to rightfully lead his troop. However, the Green Mountain Boys stood by Ethan Allen’s side. Each boy laid down his gun to show they wouldn’t fight anymore under Arnold’s rule. Thankfully, Arnold agreed to let Allen lead the battle. In return Allen allowed Arnold ride in the front of the battle line but he was not to interfere with any of the Green Mountain Boys. Further into the battle, Ethan Allen made the British surrender not just themselves but their food and weapons. Ethan Allen was a trustworthy and strong leader as shown in the battle of Fort Ticonderoga. However, the way his men stood by his side when he was in need shows how important Ethan was to