Audio Port Expander Hardware
FireWire Port Expander Hardware
Video Port Expander Hardware
DB-25 Port Expander Hardware
Microphone Port Expander Hardware
Serial Port Expander Hardware
RS-422 Port Expander Hardware
USB Port Expander Hardware
Modbus Serial Port Hardware
VGA Port Expander Hardware
SATA Port Expander Hardware
DVI Port Expander Hardware
SAS Port Expander Hardware
SCSI Port Expander Hardware
SSD Port Expander Hardware
Hardware Ports Expander Types
(Alisha, 2012).
Today, there are no port expanders that are made for specific types of computers. Most computers from different companies have all the same ports on them. (Alisha, 2012). For example, IVC-2002 IP30 Ethernet Extender, 4-Port RJ45 is a generic device that will work with any computer. Based on the knowledge of one the computer repair guys I talk to, he says that IVC-2002 IP30 Extender, 4-port RJ45 is universal. It can be used for any type of computer for example, Dell, Compaq, or Acer and HP computers. There are a lot of possible advantages of using a port expander. It depends on what you are using it for. Based on what I learned from searching the information on “port expander” that if you are using it on a desktop or home computer one of the advantages is the ability to allow more devices of a particular port type to be used at the same time. Another advantage is when you are using the Multi-Cue Model PC-USB4. The reason why the Multi-Cue Model PC-USB4 is so useful is because you can connect up to four computers at same time. (Av-Integrators, 2013). Another advantage of port expanders are when you are using it on a laptop because most of the laptops have Universal serial bus (USB) ports. For example, if you wanted to use a serial port on your laptop you can use the serial port expander for it. Some disadvantages of using a port expander are not to be able to use that many devices on one typical port expander. For example, SATA Port