Ken and Brenda Ethical Breaches 1. What ethical breaches have you committed so far?
• I am mediating a dispute between Ken and Brenda, and did not tell Brenda that I had worked with Ken’s brother before, which is a conflict of interests.
• I established a relationship with Ken and disliked Brenda, which is also a conflict of interest.
• I generated options and listed possibilities for Brenda when she wasn’t participating in the mediation process. This is a breach of impartiality.
• Brenda said she cannot advocate for herself. I should have stopped mediating since Brenda is unable to participate, which causes a power imbalance.
2. Would there be any difference if the telephone conversation referred to above had involved Brenda’s Paralegal,
• I am mediating a dispute between Ken and Brenda, and did not tell Brenda that I had worked with Ken’s brother before, which is a conflict of interests.
• I established a relationship with Ken and disliked Brenda, which is also a conflict of interest.
• I generated options and listed possibilities for Brenda when she wasn’t participating in the mediation process. This is a breach of impartiality.
• Brenda said she cannot advocate for herself. I should have stopped mediating since Brenda is unable to participate, which causes a power imbalance.
2. Would there be any difference if the telephone conversation referred to above had involved Brenda’s Paralegal,