Cash Flow
Ranade's Dilemma his friends, came from a poor family. -,9_ He reallzed in early childhood that he likea nir'ii""a, and produce dericate t".nni."iiflrpni"i.r."i'r,.-r.'ir. "na up 1"91" at the the responstUifi,y oir'"ipo.ting his mother and a sister tender age of t 9. fhe y.Jr'*u, 1957 . Hechose to assemble different paits of t_elephdne instruments and other telecommunication iystems. Oftin, he could nent to replace a deiective imported part at a fraction of the market price. His poverty _und th.'basic ir-,t"ftig..,...-;i Maharashtrian Brahmi., him an excellent marketer. The " combination of technical-Ld. skill *r.t
Mr I(. Ranade, IG
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wortting methods, however, .;"i;;;;;.i,^",ij"a,' r,".'lil, humble, economical and so on. I(R turned 60 in I998. His lifetime achievement, IIpL, was professionallv well respected and fi^an.Jntty ,ou'i;;;;;. It, however, operated i; M;'1"d1 " His son Yashwant was 34 and had ma..J.a ir-,,o a rich family of furniture makers from Bangar.i", ii y*., ;;;.I;;;;rf; humbted in comnarison to ii, b;;;J;_i^_r"l*, offices and a tJxurious h";;.-;;"i;"ngrro... *[. .ri p"rl, He had
on the path to prosperity. So"" n. si"rt.a- expertise; h,* ""a "ting *iti.,g-;tff;;. types of complete telecommunication equipments. He would manufacture for five. days of tn" -".t "rra .ff.., sales deliver_ ies, collection of bills, purch"r.r, ;ilH;;"il';; "i..,-or, finally made'an 1:I: t" as Intercorn Indiai" und labelled his company private Limited, IfpL. Hi; li;g and
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Case Stwdy Solutions-Finance
cum-office complex. This argument came to an end when ItR turned 60 and handed over ihe business to yashwant. I(R and his.wife proceeded on a two-month trip to religious places. Yashwant proclaimed himself the Managing Direc"tor of^IIpL. Yashwant lost no time in putting his idels into practice. He negotiated a loan from a bank with the