International OB: Managing across Cultures.
3M tries to make a difference Russia
Should 3M export its American ethical standards to Russia?
1. If 3M doesn’t like the way things are done in Russia, it shouldn’t do business there. Explain your rationale. I do not agree with this statement. From my marketing perspective, it is a challenge of 3M in order to go worldwide, and this is a challenge they should take. Russia is booming in oil and gas, mining, construction, IT, retail, and service sectors. (Klumov, 2006). 3M should realize its company is a world leader in a wide range of business areas industrial and office market telecommunication, traffic control materials, and many others (, 2008). Therefore, I don’t think it is a hard job for 3M to do business in Russia. A ton of 3Mproducts could supply to the Russia local market needs. According to the Organization Behavior (OB) concerns, American and Russia culture are different, but they have some similarities. Both countries are multi-ethnic, continental, great powers, expansionists, tamed a wilderness, and settled by a variety of diverse groups. The countries both think “Big” are energetic and inventive. (Richmond and Goehner, 1998). Another supporting that doing business in Russia is possible is the results of research of Mikhail Gratchev, 1996 CPE Ethics Fellow, (1999). He found, there were certain similarities in ethical perceptions regarding corporate activities. For example, in calling in sick in order to take a day off, in using company time for non-company benefits, and even in divulging confidential information to parties external to the firm. One third of Russian respondents and one-fifth of Americans mentioned it was ethical to use company services for personal use (p. 8). In short, 3M should do business in Russia. It will not be easy at the beginning, but in the long run, success is just around the corner. 2. 3 M should do business in Russia but not meddle in
References: (2008). Our company. Retrieved on January 28, 2008. Carlson, M. (2007). Hall humanities lecture 10 April 2007 7:30 pm. Woodruff Auditorium, Kansa Union. Lawrence: University of Kansas. Retrieved on January 28, 2008 from _hall_lecture_10apro7.pdf. Fey, F., C. & Shekshnia, S. (2007). How to do business in Russia. Business Insight. Retrieved on January 28, 2008 from Goehner, D., & Richmond, Y. Summarized by Goehner, D. (1998). Russian/American cultural contrasts. Mining Co. Retrieved on January 28, 2008 from Gorrill, R., J. (2007). Doing business in Russia/Russian social and business culture. Communicaid Ltd. 2007: Source: CIA the world factbook 2007. Retrieved on January 28, 2008 from training/culture-for-business-and-management/doing-business-in/Russian- business-and-social-culture.php Gratchev, M. (1999). CPE celebrates success with Rosenberg project “drama discussions”: Ethical Russian entrepreneurship: Does it exist? (vol. 1. n. 4). Western Reserve University: Center for professional ethics. Retrieve on January 28, 2008 from http://www. Klumov, G. (2006). Seal your deal in Russia’s economic boom. Australian Government Austrade. Retrieved on January 28, 2008 from Documents/1418/GK-presentation-whn-Russia-web.pdf.aspx- Kreitner, R. & Kinicki, A. (2007). Organizational behavior. (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.