Aker & Aker is one of the top five accounting firms in the United States. It is providing multiple accounting services in personal money management and corporations. Jack had been working under Aker & Aker for over 17 years since he graduated from school. He has devoted most of his time (60-70 hours) in order to become a great supporter in the company, and no one can deny that he work hard more than anyone else. Jack’s colleague, Carla, who is also a great accountant, among the top ten students in her class, and she pass the CPA examination on her first try. However, Jack has started to do unethical things to the company because he gets rejected the partner position. He cannot stand that the company did not appreciate what he has devoted to the company; therefore, he has begun to download the company accounting software for his personal use and has earned extra money from an outside client. Carla cannot ignore what Jack has done to the company, and at the same time, not only can she not find the evidence of what he has done but also it is hard for her to betray Jack and reveal everything to the company. In addition, Jack is Carla’s boss, so she is aware of that she will lose her job if she reports Jack’s actions to the company.
First of all, both Jack and Carla have quality educations. Both of them are enter Aker & Aker accounting firm after they graduated and they all spend lots of time on work but they have different behaviors when dealing with pressure. Jack tries rationalizing his behavior by thinking that what he has done will not hurt the company. In the stage 3, Jack knows exactly what he has done is good or bad, but he thinks all he wants is to earn extra money, so he download the program only for his own use, not steals any customer list from the company. Therefore, when Carla questioned him about the truth, Jack did not hide anything but told Carla exactly of what he is doing right now. On the other hand, Carla has more of