Dr. Vaji experienced ethical dilemma due to the unethical behavior of Leo, a student he was instructing, the conflicting evaluation received from Leo’s supervisor onsite and classmates reporting verbal derogatory remarks made to/about minority groups. Leo boasted to his classmates how he was deceptive and fooled his supervisor and instructor. Dr. Vaji cannot validate the statements and is uncertain of their accuracy. He must decide if the evaluation from Leo is accurate and clearly defines Leo’s capabilities. Dr. Vaji also faces the dilemma of Leo possibly suffering from a personal mental disorder which causes him to act unethically that requires …show more content…
This would apply to Leo as he was making racial slurs. Also, Standard 7.06, Assessing Student and Supervisee Performance (b) where psychologists evaluate students and supervisees on the basis of their actual performance on relevant and established program requirements.
4. What are Dr. Vaji’s ethical alternatives for resolving this dilemma? Which alternative best reflects the Ethics Code aspirational principle and enforceable standard, as well as legal standards and obligations to stakeholders?
Dr. Vaji’s ethical alternatives to resolve this dilemma are for him to remove Leo from the role-playing exercises where minority students engage where he feels he is ‘getting over’ on the teachers where exhibits his opinions indirectly. Also, Dr. Vaji could speak to Leo directly about what he has heard regarding his deception and lack of integrity. Additionally, he could discuss the issue with the school psychologist to better understand what is going on with Leo as though it was a personal …show more content…
Vaji should take several steps to ethically implement his decision and monitor its effects. The steps should be to identify the issue and apply the ethics and standards. Dr. Vaji might discuss the concerns with Leo to inform him of the implications, guidelines, and protocols used to make the decision. He could also discuss the allegations with Leo made by his fellow students and the racial slurs he made and were overheard. Dr. Vaji could recommend therapy sessions to address these issues through an outside source. Since Leo appears to have concerns with minorities, perhaps more training would be of value; especially, diversity to enhance his sensitivity. Leo could become involved with his classmates to see how they conduct their role-play sessions for modeling and a better understanding of how they are held, hoping to reduce discrimination. To monitor Leo’s progress, Dr. Vaji could meet with him bi-weekly for face-to-face meetings and follow-up with other members of the school and his classmates to determine where the additional needs are. Dr. Vaji will be able to follow his progress and provide guidance in ethics and strengthen his acceptance of other minorities with varying cultures. According to the ethic code, as a professional psychologist and instructor, Dr. Vaji is obligated to assist Leo in any way to provide guidance, and direction to improve his overall performance (Fisher,