Throughout our existent we may never be prepared to deal with the unexpected. Although in life we have our blessings we are face with dilemmas that will bring us to crossroads we never thought were possible. Inside our hearts we will test our faith and beliefs, while trying to understand which path is ethically correct. The influences of our worldviews shape our decisions and ultimately impact what direction we choose. In this paper, I will discuss the dilemmas of abortion through Christian worldview and explanations of my worldview, in contrast to options of resolutions to this dilemma.
Ethical Dilemma
In this case study, Susan has always wanted a child but has had difficulties in getting pregnant. With much blessings Susan was able to conceive. However, despite the wonderful news of finally being able to be pregnant she would soon realize this pregnancy had a dilemma that would impact her life. Through blood test it was confirmed that the baby has Down syndrome and was suggested that she have an abortion. Susan would now be faced with a crossroad of whether to choose to keep her child that has Down syndrome or to terminate her pregnancy. To resolve this dilemma Susan could do one of the following:
• Susan can go through with the abortion and prevent the immoral assumption of the child experiencing a …show more content…
life of suffering, but understanding she might never be able to have another child.
• Susan can keep the child and be happy that God blessed her with ability to have a child, while understanding that Down syndrome should not affect the love and determination she will have to raise her child the best way possible.
Core Beliefs
I truly in believe in the sixth commandment “You shall not murder” (New King James Version Exodus 20:13). Although Susan baby is not a part of the world yet, God truly blessed Susan for a reason and her baby is very much alive with a heartbeat. Although abortion is a women’s choice there is no justification from God when it is okay to kill another being especially a being with deficiencies. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (New King James Version Jeremiah 1:5). It is evident that the God and humanity in the Christian worldview that God recognized and blessed child in women who are pregnant. It is in Gods wisdom that he protects women and the unborn child who is considered a person which is depicted in words of Exodus.
“If men fight, and hurt a women with child, so that she gives birth prematurely yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman’s husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” (New King James Version Exodus 21: 22,23,24).
These commitments influence a person to believe that a fetus is more than just a fetus, but a true being.
Even though Susan’s child has Down syndrome by terminating her pregnancy she is going against Gods intent to protect life. This would influence her choice and her responsibility to prolong life and to give her child the love and care the child needs to be sustained. Furthermore, if Susan shall to love and protect life in wisdom by God “He guards the path of justice, and preserves the way of His saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path” (New King James Version Proverbs 2:8,
The Christian worldview belief to do is to not terminate the pregnancy. Susan should be happy to be blessed with a child after having difficulty in trying to conceive. It is Susan who has to take this perspective and not look at it as immoral behavior to keep the child alive. But to take insight that “When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you” (New King James Version Proverbs 2:10, 11). As a Christian Susan’s actions should reflect as Jesus’s actions. “Live like Jesus lived, love like Jesus loved” (Hiles, J. S. & Smith, A. F. 2014). By keeping her child she will live happily and in goodness as God intended her to live. “God calls people to serve him and serve the world through many ways and means” (Hiles, J. S. & Smith, A. F. 2014). Susan’s should act as God provided her this child as a blessing to live happily in motherhood as she always wanted to experience.
As a result of Susan faith and beliefs she might choose to keep her child she was blessed with. However, the impact is others around her may look at her with disappointment that she is setting up her child with a lifestyle of suffering.
However, the benefit for Susan would be is that she is happy to have a chance at being a mother after the struggle she faced in trying to get pregnant. She can love her child as God would love her and her child because preserving life is the blessing of Gods work.
Another option may not have belief that a person starts within the womb. According to Jenni K.; Abortion and Animal Rights: “it is disingenuous to compare a fetus with living, breathing animal. A fetus has potential interest; and animal has actual interest” (K., Jenni pg. 61-62). Therefore, abortion is not the same as murdering a person when one is preventing suffering from entering the world. This comparison could justify that understanding the conditions of Down syndrome abortion gives reason to have a duty to increase happiness throughout the world versus suffering and to be in a state of stress and anxiety caring for a child with Down syndrome. In a research article, The Decision to Continue a Pregnancy Affected by Down Syndrome: “Most participants reported experience high level of anxiety during the pregnancy after learning about the diagnoses of Down syndrome” (Hawkins A., Hudgins L., Hurford E., and Taylor J. pg. 592). In Susan’s case it would not matter if she terminates the pregnancy because she is doing a duty to not allow a child to enter the world when it could potentially have a life full of pain.
However, by ending her child’s blessing she lives with the consequences of going against God’s beliefs and the blessing that she may never be able to have another child. This could affect Susan emotionally again by not being able to fulfil her purpose in experiencing motherhood as she has always wanted.
Through understanding this dilemma I have become closer to my beliefs and see how worldviews can influence choice. It is where I see that ending life should not be an option just because life has not entered the world. With Christian worldview it is never losing faith and belief in goodness and judgement of God. “So that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding” (New King James Version Proverbs 2:2). Being faithful to your beliefs is important to helping overcome those crossroads that are unexpected. It is faith and worldviews that will help guide us through the dilemmas to the right path.