If people hear that the product has been tested and that they are safe for use people will buy the product. Most companies are not advising what they test it on so people have no idea what is going on. A large portion of people know or have heard about animal testing but they do not know how many high brand names use animal testing, or what goes on when animals are being tested.
The largest effect of animal testing is the abuse to these animals. Every year 26 million animals are tortured for the human races advancements. Animals used in these experiments range from monkeys all the way down to mice. In most laboratories the animals are subjected to painful tests such as forced inhalation of toxic fumes to rats and mice and force feeding pesticides to dogs to see how much it will take before it kills the animal. The abuse does not stop there either, after an animal has been used to its full potential it is usually euthanized or put to sleep after living a horrific