Executive Master of Business Administration
December, 2012
Factors influencing Employee performance in the organization: An exploratory study of private organization in Bangladesh
Prepared by: Md. Monirul Islam
For many years it has been said that capital is the bottleneck for a developing industry. Academicians and researchers do not think this is any longer holds a true fact. Rather researchers believe that it is the work force and the company’s inability to recruit and maintain a good combination of workforce that does constitute the bottleneck for production. Meanwhile, achieving organizational goals cannot be done without human resources. It is been stated that only thing that remains constant during our lifetime is change. And most of the time it is true. So individual must prepare themselves for events that have a significant impact on their lives. Many events helped shape peoples fields; and continue to do so. Some of the more obvious include globalization, work force diversity, changing skill requirements, corporate retrenchment and empowering employees (Decenzo, 1994). The modern workforce is becoming more and more diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, age, and so forth. Although it is important to treat people fairly and to avoid any form of discrimination, it is also important for organizations to recognize and appreciate differences among people. According to Griffin (2001) a number of changes in the workforce continue to emerge and affect human resource management. Gender differences in the workforce also play an important role. More and more women have entered the workforce, and their presence is felt in more and more occupational groupings that were traditionally dominated by men.
Business ethics are ethics that refers to the moral rules and regulations that governing the business world. In other words they are the moral values that guide the way corporations or other business makes decisions. Some business ethics are imposed by law. For example , the Securities and Exchange commission governs the ways the invest bankers and Stock brokers do business, and court rules dealing with attorney client privilege dictate some ethical decisions for attorneys. However there are also some business decisions that do not fall within the guide lines of the law, in which ethical and moral judgments must be made. When faced with the ethical dilemmas, it’s important to consider out comes of the decision-making process. One way of dealing with ethical dilemmas is by using the four way test to evaluate decisions. The test involves asking four questions:
1. Is my decision a truthful one?
2. Is my decision fare to everyone affected?
3. Will it build good will for the organization?
4. Is the decision beneficial to all parties who have a vested interest in the outcome?
When these four questions can truthfully be answered with a “YES”, it is likely that the decision is an ethical one.
Definition parameters:
Current study aspires to provide more insight into the fundamental perceptions of how employee performances are affected by the various human resource factors in the private organization in Bangladeshi work environment.
1. To identify the ethical factors of evaluating employee performance at Bangladeshi work environment?
2. How the study can enhance employee performance through individual differences that basically exist in every organization?
3. How employee performances are affected by the various ethical human resource factors such as: a) Reference and Gender discrimination, b) Diversity of Workforce, c) Rewards, d)Training and Development, e)Work Environment.
4. Construct hypotheses with relationship of employees’ performance and affective factors and provide future suggestion.
Workforce diversity and employees performance has become a very important issue in many organizations, both within Bangladesh and abroad.
1. Factors will be evaluated by the surveys and interviews with executives, managers and middle managers.
In this study, primary data was collected through distribution of questionnaires. Primary data collection methods were included survey questionnaires.
To prepare this report, we use both primary and secondary data:
Collection of Primary Data:
Personal interviews.
Collection of Secondary Data:
Internal Sources: Company’s annual business plan and annual reports.
External sources: Different journal papers and online books from Internet sources.
This study concentrates on conceptual framework of factors influencing employee performance in the private organization. Research framework and conceptualization of the relationship of employees’ performance and affective factors are constructed by hypotheses. Hypotheses of the study
H0: Reference and Gender discrimination has a significant influence on employee’s performance in the organization.
H1: Employees reward has a significant influence on employee’s performance in the organization.
H2: Diversified workforce in the organization has significant influence on employee’s performance in the organization.
H3: Work environment of the employee’s has a significant influence on employee’s performance in the organization.
H4: Training and development program for the employees has significant influence on employee’s performance in the organization.
Literature Review:
Following section traces the development of organizational approaches to managing employee performances and how the key indicators affect their performance level.
Reference and Gender discrimination and Employee’s Performance: Recruitment, transfer, promotion are often accompanied by references. Besides the genuine process, sometimes due to references of higher authority or other stakeholders, recruitment, transfer or promotion of employees occur even though they probably do not deserve it or is not suitable for the given position. Hiring male is preferred more than hiring female employees. This is because female employees have few boundaries such as time constraints, working late hours, and sometimes also going on maternity leaves. However, in spite of paying the same amount to both female and male employees, male employees usually have to work late hours or have more workload. Therefore, discrimination is in both cases in the organizations.
Diversity of Workforce and Employees’ Performance: The basic intention of our literature review is to give a comprehensive review of previous works on the area of diversity of workforce and employees performances. Cox (1993) define diversity is the representation, in one social system, of people with distinctly different group affiliations of cultural significance.
Rewards and Employees’ Performance: Griffin (2001) mentioned that an organization must be able to demonstrate, beyond reasonable doubt, that a given individual employee was sanctioned, rewarded, punished, terminated or remanded for training on a basis of performance related reasons rather than nonperformance related factors such as sex or race.
Training and Development and Employees’ Performance: For a better performance of employees raining and development is essential activities; training and development represent fundamental investment in the employees who work for an organization, with the overall goal of improving their ability to make contributions to the firm’s effectiveness. According to Griffin (2001) employee training can be defined as a planned attempt by an organization to facilitate employee learning of job-related knowledge, skills, and behaviors.
Work Environment and Employees’ Performance: Stressors in the workplace significantly impact the degree of work interface family (Ford et al., 2007). Key work stressors include: work role ambiguity, work role overload, and heavy responsibilities (Kahn & Byosiere, 1992; Mesmer-Magnus & Viswesvaran, 2005). The presence of these stressors in the workplace has been positively linked to increased feelings of work interface family (Eagle et al., 1997).
Several limitations arises while completing this report, they are:
1. Organization maintains strict policy on information sharing and confidentiality, thus a lot of the information could not be included in this report to protect confidentiality.
2. This report is only focusing on the brief overview of employee performance and some of my working experiences.
3. Further research efforts are being needed to examine these factors in with additional samples with managers and employees’ before generalization can be made.
Tentative Structure of the report:
Griffin, A., and Hauser, J. R. (1993). The Voice of the Customer. Marketing Science, (Winter 1993), pp.
1 -27.
Cox, T.H. (1993), Cultural Diversity in Organizations: Theory, Research and Practice, Berrett-Koehler,
San Francisco, CA
References: Griffin, A., and Hauser, J. R. (1993). The Voice of the Customer. Marketing Science, (Winter 1993), pp. 1 -27. Cox, T.H. (1993), Cultural Diversity in Organizations: Theory, Research and Practice, Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, CA