On average, advertisements take approximately sixty percent of the printed space in American newspapers. In 2004, almost 34 billion dollars was spent on newspaper advertising. In the same year, newspapers hauled in about 9 million dollars from subscription and single use buyers.
Advertising Exist to solve two problems :
1. Too many goods or materials - If there was not enough of an item, there would be no need to advertise it.
2. Advertising is also a way of reaching your consumers who would otherwise be unfamiliar with your product.
Many ads work by providing information: what is the product? what are its characteristics, qualities, functions?
Most of us admit that advertising industry is a „necessary evil”. In spite of certain questionable practices, advertising meets the consumer needs for information about the goods and services which are offered on the market.
The essential ethical issues raised in advertising industry are that advertisements should be legal, honest and truthful. “Is it decent to advertise perfume or
Bibliography: Dan, Craciun, 2003 Business and Morality – A short introduction to the business ethics, ASE Ken, W., James, T., 2002 Prospects Student’s Book Advance, Deirdre Howard-Williams, p. 4-8 Center for Media Literacy: http://www.medialit.org Journal of Business Research, Volume 37, Issue 3, November 1996, Integrated Marketing Communications: http://www.sciencedirect.com Journalism One Wyatt, Analyzing the Techniques of Advertising: http://www.longview.k12.wa.us Marketing for Profits Ltd: http://www.consultancymarketing.co.uk/marketing-mix.htm Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org