Part One: Articles Summary In “The four topics: Case analysis in clinical ethics,” Jonsen et al states that a clear standards of operation is needed for clinicians to effectively address ethical issues (Jonsen et al, 2007, p.164). Clinical systems such as properly referring to the patients’ medical records, patients’ requests or demands, patients’ ability to perform daily activities of living, and the overall circumstances of the patients are relevant in resolving ethical dilemmas (Jonsen et al, 2007, p.166). Jonsen et al concludes that, decisions regarding ethical dilemmas should be dealt with caution, certainty of the case, and understanding of the ethical issues in question (Jonsen et al, 2007, p.169). According to Jarvie & Malone, the authors of “Children’s Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Private Homes and Cars: An Ethical Analysis,” the challenges regarding how to protect children from second hand smoking exposure in private homes and cars, and still protect individual rights (Jarvie and Malone, 2008, p.2140). The statistics indicates that “22% of children younger than 18 years old and 40% of children younger than 5 years in the United States live with someone who smokes,” (Jarvie and Malone, 2008, p.2140). It costs about $4.6 billion per year for medical expenditures among children in the US exposed (Jarvie and Malone, 2008, p.2141). The courts have ruled in different cases that the harm caused by second hand smoking to children by individuals who smoke in private homes and cars, overrides individual rights of these individuals to do as they want in their homes and cars with regards to this issue (Jarvie and Malone, 2008, p.2142). Jarvie and Malone concluded that, creating laws to restrict smoking around children to prevent second hand smoking exposure in private homes and cars, does not threaten individual autonomy
Part One: Articles Summary In “The four topics: Case analysis in clinical ethics,” Jonsen et al states that a clear standards of operation is needed for clinicians to effectively address ethical issues (Jonsen et al, 2007, p.164). Clinical systems such as properly referring to the patients’ medical records, patients’ requests or demands, patients’ ability to perform daily activities of living, and the overall circumstances of the patients are relevant in resolving ethical dilemmas (Jonsen et al, 2007, p.166). Jonsen et al concludes that, decisions regarding ethical dilemmas should be dealt with caution, certainty of the case, and understanding of the ethical issues in question (Jonsen et al, 2007, p.169). According to Jarvie & Malone, the authors of “Children’s Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Private Homes and Cars: An Ethical Analysis,” the challenges regarding how to protect children from second hand smoking exposure in private homes and cars, and still protect individual rights (Jarvie and Malone, 2008, p.2140). The statistics indicates that “22% of children younger than 18 years old and 40% of children younger than 5 years in the United States live with someone who smokes,” (Jarvie and Malone, 2008, p.2140). It costs about $4.6 billion per year for medical expenditures among children in the US exposed (Jarvie and Malone, 2008, p.2141). The courts have ruled in different cases that the harm caused by second hand smoking to children by individuals who smoke in private homes and cars, overrides individual rights of these individuals to do as they want in their homes and cars with regards to this issue (Jarvie and Malone, 2008, p.2142). Jarvie and Malone concluded that, creating laws to restrict smoking around children to prevent second hand smoking exposure in private homes and cars, does not threaten individual autonomy