The producer bears the intense weight of delivering the message of the film most effectively …show more content…
used the morose stories of American family severely impacted by the fast food industry influenced by poor regulation of meat factories. Focusing on the death of Kevin Kowalcyk, a three-year-old who went from the peak of health today and 12 days due to an E. coli strain in tainted meat of a Jack-in-the-Box burger. The family suffered horrendously and the meat industry has yet to deliver a formal apology and take steps to increase safety- therefore diminishing the amount of yearly fatal deaths. Every year, several children die due to E. coli strains found in tainted meat, and each year those deaths could've been avoided with stricter policies and laws for the meat industry. The scenes of the terrible treatment of animals in these industries also applied to the viewer’s pathos. By showing the terrible conditions of the meat packaging facilities each year and how those deaths could've been avoided with stricter policies and laws for the meat industry. The scenes of the terrible treatment of animals in these industries also applied to the viewer’s pathos. Food Inc. opened the viewer’s eyes by showing live photos and videos of the inhumane treatment of the animals including living in their own feces for a large amount of time, the cramped living spaces, their unnatural diet of corn and other animals, in the general uncaring position the companies took towards their life stock. The horrific videos with the animal’s cries of pain and suffering with the soft, yet emotional …show more content…
Food Inc. wanted to show the ignore it public about the poor treatment of factory workers, animals, and farmers by the large corporations. Purdue, one of the largest packaging companies, goes and recruit illegal immigrants to work in the factories, using the workers lessened rights to exploit their labor. But, making deals with local law-enforcement to retain it several workers monthly, and blaming the illegal immigrants and set of the companies enticing and hiring them. Most will see this as morally wrong because the company should be penalized not the workers. The film uses other examples of the unjust treatment by large corporations towards their workers to appeal to the viewer’s ethos. The film’s message and call for action is strengthened by appealing to the viewer’s