Ethical Issues in Managing Employee Behavior
Pg. 1 - Abstract
Pg. 2 - Intro employee behavior
Pg. 2 - What are Business Ethics
Pg. 3 - Introduction to unethical Practices
Pg. 3 - 3 Main Reasons for Inappropriate Employee Behavior
Pg. 4 - Automatic Dismissal and Managerial Personality Traits
Pg. 5 & 6 -Passive Management
Pg. 7 - Biases, Prejudge Mental and Dishonesty
Pg. 9 - Uneven Distribution
Pg. 10 – Steps to Evaluate Your Decision as a Manager
Ethical issues for dealing with individual employees is difficult because managers on the front line are responsible for various accounts such as hiring and firing disciplining and performance evaluation also during all these procedures managers are responsible for employee supervision because managers are role models for their employees in their department it is critical the managers are able to ethically resolve problems within the organization but unfortunately it is not always the case.
Employee behavioral problems that occur in the workplace can have a dramatic effect on the overall atmosphere. It is the manager’s responsibility to correct these problems in a morally right way. Doing so disrespectfully or unethically can result in even more problems and a decrease in productivity within the organization. The concept of ethics is a key practice that many organizations need to obey by. Managers and supervisors must develop strong ethical standards that are to be taken into consideration when employees are disrupting the workplace.
What are ethics and business ethics? Ethics is defined as a code of morals practiced by a person or group of people. Ethics in business the study of what divides the right and wrong or the good or bad behavior in the workplace environment. An Organization has a group of people that work together to achieve a common purpose. The moral challenges that these men
Cited: Hill, Charled W., and Garther R. Jones. Strategic Management an Intergrated Approach. 2009: Sengage Learning, Print. "Human resource Management." Management Study Guide. 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2013. . Stead, Edward, W, , Worrell, Dan, L, and Stead Jean, Garner. "An integrative model for understanding and managing ethical behavior in business organizations." Web. 9 Mar. 2013. . What are Business Ethics." Wise Geek. 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2013. .