Nursing care is necessary to take care of the lifesaving technology. Even though it appears the nurse is taking care of the patient the nurse is mainly taking care of the technology to keep the patient alive, even if it will ultimately prove to be futile (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). Three proposals including advances in technology, self-determination, and economics become an issue at the forefront of dying with dignity. It becomes an ethical issue regarding availability of technology and which patients should receive the technology when it is limited. Nurses need to be prepared to deal with these challenges (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014).
Three cons of impeding death with dignity are not enough education for nurses, and physicians as to how to talk to patients, more public knowledge of advanced directives and medical power of attorney, which will lead to more consistent administration of the patient’s wishes (Giovanni, 2012).
By honoring patient’s wishes nurses and physicians having more knowledge and courage about talking about end of life, more across the board use of advance directives and making sure you choose someone who will follow your wishes (Bukhardt & Nathaniel, …show more content…
Hospice and Palliative care have been utilized more recently. In the last 40 years, hospice has served over one million Medicare beneficiaries. When hospice is mentioned most patients and families b6elieve it’s a death sentence being given. Hospice concentrates on holistic are and mainly on symptom control and management. People can live many months even at home in hospice care. This is definitely a pro in dying with dignity. Most often the nurses develop a relationship with the patient and families and almost feel like a family member themselves (Giovanni,