The witnesses need to have moral courage (individual process) to speak up and be the patient’s advocate because this is a clear cut violation of patient’s rights and is a problem (situation) for all parties involved. The major stakeholders in this scenario are the physical therapists, facility and insurance company. Taking action which the therapists did by telling their manager made sure that this fraudulent action stops right away before it gets worse. There were laws broken and ethical principles 2, 4, 5 and 7 in the are compromised as well as the core values professional duty, integrity, accountability. It was no doubt that the answer is yes to all the right-versus-wrong tests.…
Everyday health care workers around the world are faced with tough decisions. The law guides many decisions but some decisions require ethical considerations. Making good ethical decisions is not always as easy as it seems. Making ethical decisions is even harder when the primary intention is to be helpful, but it is beyond an employee’s qualifications.…
Clinicians are expected to provide medical services to help others. However, there is a debate about whether clinicians should treat friends and family, members also known as non-patients. “Treatment of non-patients is widespread, with some studies reporting nearly 100 percent of physicians engaging in this practice” (Latessa & Ray, 2005, p.42). A case was presented where a physician assistant (PA Brian) was asked to treat his supervising physician (Dr.Yarnell) for different medical conditions while prescribing multiple controlled substances. Legal standards provide vague ethical guidance regarding this issue and leave a lot of blank spaces open for clinician interpretation. In Dr.Yarnell and PA Brian’s case there were numerous ethical dilemmas that can be examined under the four ethical principles of medicine: beneficence, nonmaleficence, respect for autonomy, and justice.…
Every health care professional faces ethical dilemmas from time to time. There are fundamental principles of ethics when we talk about ethical issues in health care: confidentiality that you need to respect for individual privacy.…
There is a difference between being nice and involved in a patient’s life and healthcare and being with that patient and making irrational choices for the patient because of that relationship clouding up judgement. A lot of doctors say that a relationship with a patient is unethical and unprofessional. According to a survey done by Medscape in 2012 asking 24,000 doctors, “is it ever acceptable to become involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with a patient?” 1% say that “yes” “even if it’s with a current patient”, 22% say “yes, 6 months after they stopped being a patient” and 68% say “no”. There is the last 9% that say that it depends on the situation (Physicians Top Ethical Dilemmas), which is the grey area that everyone questions.…
I have faced an ethical dilemma before and I made a choice based in my values to qualify the first situation with ethical distress type.I faced the distress as my part because I felt uncomfortable with the situation and with the unprofessional attitude from the colleague to complete the action.As afuture occupational therapist, who knows the code of ethics and challenge myself to maintainthe integrity and dignity along the situation and examining the right behaviors and choices,for the correct decision.…
There are numerous contemporary issues that impact physical therapy care, and vary by state or region. Many issues in the delivery of care have come and gone, or are difficult to determine because physical therapy is going through a regeneration of sorts. Proving to be a rather acquiescent profession, physical therapy is undoubtedly transforming, with new techniques at the forefront of legislation and research, the progression to specialized clinicians, and business models adjusting to economical payment structure and third party limitations. There are too many topics to talk about for the scope of this paper, so I will focus only on a few, especially those effected by reimbursement, and health care legislation changes at the federal level.…
Greenwood, B. (2015). Legal & Ethical Issues that Health Care Professionals Face. Retrieved from Legal & Ethical Issues that Health Care Professionals Face: Legal & Ethical Issues that Health Care Professionals Face…
Healthcare is highly sensitive and influenced by the established principles of a strict code of conduct. The established principles contribute significantly in the mode of operations and service delivery. Also, healthcare is associated with a wide range of tasks as well as decision-making procedures that are affiliated to the provided protocols. The US health care sector adopted principles that enable execution of tasks safeguards the interests the patients’ through provision of top quality services. Notably, the healthcare sector is associated with both expensive research and experiments that are geared towards improving the service delivery. However, the research and experiment are faced with ethical issues or dilemmas…
Using proper ethics in occupational therapy means placing the patients’ needs above the therapists and being fair to the patient. As an occupational therapist, one must make sure the patients’ needs are always met. Keeping patients’ personal information and progress confidential. The patient always has a right to privacy.…
In addition, it was designed to address concerns of others outside of the profession such as employers, consumers and students (AOTA, 2015). In addition, it promotes and maintains high standards within the profession and guides professional conduct when ethical issues may arise. It aids in discussing the ethical principles supported by the profession (AOTA, 2015). It informs and educates the public about ethical principles that occupational therapy professions should follow (AOTA, 2015). It assists occupational therapy practitioners to be acquainted with the ethical principles standards to which they should adhere to (AOTA, 2015). Lastly it provides guidance for occupational therapy in recognize resolution to ethical problems that one may encounter (AOTA, 2015).…
References: Sorrell, J. (2012). Ethics: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Ethical Perspectives in 21st Century Health Care. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 18 No. 1.…
Within this report there will be a small investigation into current concerns the public and other health care professionals have in regards to service users being abused and how this has affected service provision and methods of working.…
This paper will discuss some of the many aspects of ethics encountered in the mental health field. A mental health professional was selected to interview and provided information to this student on this topic. The areas of ethics discussed during this interview included clinical ethics in the daily life of a working therapist, boundaries, therapeutic relationship, safety concerns, mandated reporting, informed consent, confidentiality and therapist self-care. This paper will describe and summarize the interview, including my reaction to the interview, my inner dialogue, what I learned in the interview process and how my expectations regarding ethical practice have been influenced or changed by the interview process.…
In America each year over 50% of people over the age of 18, develop a musculoskeletal injury lasting longer than three months. Physical therapy is emerging as one of the greatest forms of treatment in the medical world, treating more people than ever before with advances in technology and more knowledge improving patient outcome; however patients experiences are worsening with new healthcare, more outpatient exercise rather than inpatient therapy, and lack of available treatment in rural areas. Physical therapy, also known as PT, is beneficial for patients in more ways than not. PT is needed to rehabilitate people after injuries which is why the benefits outweigh the costs.…