People are increasingly sharing their lives online through social networking sites with little concern for who may be viewing their information. This has become an issue in current times and is up for debate based on the ethical issues associated with Social Media. People don’t realize joining a social network is like joining a community. As any community in real life, your business has a place in the community but should not invade one’s privacy. Social networking is one of the most popular methods apart from forum marketing that is available to Internet users today. Places like MySpace and Facebook among others have gone from just social interaction spaces to a part time marketing program as well. With all this popularity, there are a few ethical issues that you will need to know in order to become successful at social networking.
This section will cover various ethical perspectives of Social Networking
Utilitarian perspective:
As stated in the text, a utilitarian perspective is looked to the expected outcomes or consequences of an act to determine whether or not that act is morally permissible. Being that social networking allows one to get connected with others and sometimes form meaningful relationships also includes some of the illegal and unethical activities like hacking and posting of threatening online messages that highlight possible harms of this service. For this reason, the social networks are now considered as a way of cyber-bullying and online-predation to attack the interest of a utilitarian. MySpace, FaceBook, and other sites have been the scene of cyber bullying and online predation. But the same technology allows people to connect with others they might never have met and form meaningful relationships. How do we balance these harms and benefits, reducing the one and increasing the possibility of the other? Thus, it becomes difficult to maintain a balance between the two as any limitations on one,