Ethical Law Enforcement
Marvin Sanchez
Instructor: Charles Hughes
Incident Review
1. What is the ethical issue or problem? Identify the issue succinctly.
The moral agent of the story is about an intoxicated husband who the officers assume was driving and also a domestic violence call. The main issue is that the officers decided to give the husband a sobriety test and that was not supposed to happen since they didn’t see him driving the vehicle.
2. What are the most important facts? Which facts have the most bearing on the ethical decision presented? Include any important potential economic, social, or political pressures, and exclude inconsequential facts.
The officers gave the husband a sobriety test, they also gave the husband a preliminary alcohol-screening device reveals that the husband’s blood alcohol level is .20. This is something that it will not hold in court because the husband was not driving the vehicle at the time of the test. This is something that will be used against the officers for the husband’s rights.
3. Identify each claimant (key actor) who has an interest in the outcome of this ethical issue. From the perspective of the moral agent—the individual contemplating an ethical course of action—what obligation is owed to the claimant? Why?
(key actor)
(owed to the claimant)
Perspective (What does the claimant hope will happen?)
Police officers incompetence, beneficence
The police officers would hope that by them administering the test that they will prosecute the husband. The officers have an obligation to make sure that there is no violence going on and they should leave ones they find out that everything is ok.
Husband and Wife
The clients would prefer that the officers would just leave their home and not do anything about the intoxicated husband. The wife needs to prove that she is ok and the husband needs to make sure