
Ethical Medical Advancement

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Mr. Rice
ENC 1102 College Writing 2
28 January 2013
Ethics and New Advancements The society that we all live in today is so set on achieving the impossible. With a new era of technology unfolding before our eyes, the question of morality and where the line is drawn continues to threaten our society and leads to ponder whether or not these advancements are truly positive for the human race collectively. Science has progressed so profoundly over time, that the idea of turning a baby into an ideal, or “designer” baby is starting to become realistic. Another medical breakthrough is the concept of cloning, and wondering how far can we can take this type of power over mother nature. Genetic mutations also have a high probability of negative impact in
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(Dalai Lama, 80) With this in mind, the idea of manipulating a child’s genes for the creation of children with enhanced characteristics, whether cognitive or physical, begins to be questioned. It is mentioned several times in Dalai Lama’s article that our actions and how we use these technological breakthroughs should be motivated by the concept of compassion and general good for the human race. Following this statement, it should be known that genetic modifications should be performed only for medical reasons - as in the curing of a particular genetic deficiency. The act of modifying a baby’s genes to select specific traits may not ultimately be beneficial for the child. While it may seem as if designer babies would have a positive effect in the world, many complications arise with this highly debated topic. For example, money is a significant issue relating to the levels of a society. It’s what separates the wealthy from the poor and says what you can and can not afford. With a procedure as complicated and

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